Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Counsellor ~ An adviser (Proverbs 11:14; 15:22), a king's state counsellor (2 Samuel 15:12). Used once of the Messiah (Isaiah 9:6). In Mark 15:43, Luke 23:50, the word probably means a member of the Jewish Sanhedrim.

SOURCE: Easton's Bible Dictionary

Are you ready for a refresher? Mentors who are they and were do they belong in your life?

Mentors can be the most important people in your life, here on earth. They guide, counsel, teach, and sometime just listen.

Age is not a factor, but maturity is very important. A baby in the Lord can actually mentor you at times. But we are speaking of an older person in the Lord who can lead and guide you.

Much prayer should go into deciding whom you will allow into your life on this level. We want to pick someone, or be lead to pick someone that we can trust more then anyone we know. LJG and I know more personal business about each other then anyone but God Himself. I know that no matter what I do or where I go in life, nothing that she has heard from me will go any further. And she knows the same of me. The next most important thing is she has never judged me. Not for anything in my past, nor for the mistakes I make now.

So why am I speaking on this again. Because you need someone, we all do. Yes, the Lord is there for you, but He uses people to guide you. We are not to look to the mentor instead of God; we have to be careful of that. The mentor is not in place of but a compliment to God. God has used people throughout the years to teach and guide. As Christians we never, repeat never become so grown that we do not need someone to share with.

In being mentored to we also learn how to mentor to. There are many young Christians out there who do not need someone telling them “You my brother are in Sin” but rather “My brother can we sit and talk awhile, I see myself in you years ago” Jesus did not sit the people down and tell them they were a bunch of sinners. Jesus came to them with love and compassion, to all.

That is truly what a mentor is someone who loves you just the way Christ loves us.

God Bless,

James 2:5 Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world [to be] rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?


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