Monday, January 21, 2008


We have read it before and probably more then once. Let us go back to the beginning.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. What a beautiful day it must have been. God had decided that day was the first of His mighty plans. He is hovering over the face of the waters. He spoke and there was light. He said let there and there was. He called things together and they were. He made and set in place the lights in the sky. He created sea creatures and birds of every kind. God saw it was good, and He blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply.
Genesis 2:1-3 For six days he spoke things into being. At the end of those seven days he blessed and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all the work He had done.
Ponder with me if you will, the thoughts that God had on that day as He rested and looked about Himself at all He had done. What would you have done? The temperature is perfection, the view something better then any picture ever seen. You sit down and cross your legs knowing you have done a wonderful thing. What do you desire for all your work? What do you actually get for all that hard work?
In a small way we sample it each day. We clean the house to have the children run through with mud on their shoes. We go to check the mail and someone drives by and splashes water all over us. We go to work ready to do our job and someone leaves a mess for us to straighten or clean up. Knowing we did all those things and someone is just going to mess it up and probably forget to thank us for doing it in the first place. Or not even care that they did it.
God in His mercy knew that we were going to mess up and still He made the earth a beautiful place to live. He knew that there would be those who didn’t even want to know Him, would turn their backs to every gesture that He made toward them. He knew that even thought they messed up they would come to Him expecting every thing to be made right again. Oh yes He knew. He knew it all.
And what of us that do know of Him and that mercy? Do we at times take Him for granted? Is that why when we do something stupid like speak without thinking that we are ashamed to go to Him? We know that yes He will forgive us. Some of us have habits that have lingered for years and still we do not ask Him to take those desires away.
What is wrong with us that we can’t just seem to get some things right? We know His Word, we know His promises and still we hold on to that which He already knows.
Go back to the beginning. Go back to that first day when you asked Him into your life. That day that you knew He could turn your world upside down to the right way. Go back to the beginning when we knew He did want us to be right with Him. Go back to that perfect day when nothing else mattered but Him and You. Go back and get yourself right again. Sit down cross your legs and spend some time with Him. He is waiting just as He did when He created this earth and all that is in it. He was waiting for you. God created you and you are good.
God Bless,


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