Tuesday, February 19, 2008


As you think, so you are. That might seem a little hard to believe. Look at yourself honestly, and then answer that question. Sometimes our good intentions end up supporting the bad that we would never knowingly support. If we are as we think, then we are what we do.

1 Peter 4:15 (King James Version) 15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.

As we think so we are. Let us not think against those that we know and even those we do not know evil in our hearts. Each one of us has to answer for our selves to the Lord. We cannot answer for another. Why should we suffer for things that we do not need to suffer? Set yourselves free; watch the words that come from your mouth, and the thoughts that you think. In all things let yourselves line up with the Word Of God.

As you think in your heart, so you are. Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

If we can commit adultery by lusting in our hearts, so we also commit other sins if we dwell on them. Being a busybody, means putting your two cents where it has no business being. Don’t make what is not your business, your business. Don’t get involved in things that do not concern you.

Certainly I am not speaking here of getting involved in a cause that touches your heart, but even in those things we need to ask God if it is okay to a part of it.

We need to be careful of those causes that we do support. We do not want what we think is good to be used for evil, and unfortunately that is the case with some of the organizations that are out there.

There is one that says “…I will try to serve God*…” and then * is explained as God can be interpreted in a number of ways…and it is okay to replace God with any word that dictates a person’s religious beliefs.

The group does not intrude into personal matters. There is no membership policies on sexual preferences, the policy is “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

President Orullion of this organization says, “ a very strong statement…that continue to be cutting edge…we have strength in diversity…are an inclusive organization.

Pro-life groups have found that 20% of the councils investigated have some connection with the Association of Planned Parenthood.

I do not know about you but I do not want to support someone that says it is okay to worship other then God; does not care about someone’s sexual preference and puts those same leaders over young impressionable girls; and has any connection at all with Planned Parenthood.

“Planned Parenthood works to ensure that sexuality is understood as an essential, lifelong aspect of being human and that it is celebrated with respect, openness, and mutuality. We are committed to each individual's right to sexual self-determination, free from coercion and exploitation, and to our recognition of the joy and fulfillment that the healthy expression of sexuality can bring to the human experience.” Not to mention abortion and the morning after pill.

Is this somewhere that you want to sow your money? If you feel the same way, think about that the next time you start to buy Girl Scout cookies.

This is of course only one, and there are many more out there that we unknowingly support. Do we wish to be evildoers? By taking part or supporting them we are agreeing with what they teach.

If we will allow ourselves to be made aware of the actions of those that we support, I think we might change the things we support. I do not want to knowingly be an evildoer.
God Bless,


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