Wednesday, February 13, 2008


LOVE everywhere you look you find symbols of love. Today is the day that we are to show our love, to whom may we ask? And what does this overused word really mean?
WE love the meal, the new car or house. We love to love. Love is one of the most common themes in art and music. Expressing from the tender and beautiful to the gross and vulgar [to the eye of the beholder]. Depending on your cultural background, finding a universal definition is difficult to establish. There is love of body, nature, food, money, learning, power, fame, etc. Different people describe love differently. Love is easier to experience then to explain. Then there are those forms of what to one is love to another is nothing.
LOVE is not mentioned in the Old Testament. Love is listed 703 times in the New Testament. Did we wake you up with that remark? But alas the word is not mentioned, forms of it are mentioned a total of 1551 times in both the Old and New combined, but the word love is only listed in the New.
AS Believers in Christ, we have or should have a deeper meaning of the word love. How can we explain in words that which God has given us? His love surpasses anything that has ever been seen or felt on this earth. It is through His eyes that we can love even that which is unlovable.
THE thought that comes to mind, I watched last night on TBN. Paul Crouch was giving a scripture and staring talking about the Love that God gave when He Himself was in the garden praying that last time. Drops of sweat like blood dripped from the Lord, as he asked: Matthew 26:39 (King James Version) 39 And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. I watched the love and emotion on Paul Crouch’s face as he talked about the Lord that stretched out His hands and died for each one of us. No I cannot find words to express what love means to me. Because this gift that was so graciously given to each one of us, I have the knowledge that love belongs to me. I felt the present of God surround me with a presence that was above the cares of anything on this earth outside of God.

LOVE is much and then so much more. Love is the arms that not only reached out and died for us. Love is the arms that hold us, give us strength, and take us through all the comes against us. Love real love is Jesus Christ.

TODAY we pray you love, real love of Christ to surround you in each step you take.
God Bless,


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