Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

We are not to judge others, we are to judge ourselves. We are not suppose to think the worst of others. We are to reform ourselves. There are people we will run into that will not want to receive the truth about the Word of God, while forcing their beliefs on us.

Some people do not understand ‘No. I am not interested” nor do they understand “I believe such and such” they are blind. We have all had someone come to the door, and we dread answering their knock. When we try to tell them what we believe, we are cut short.

I will not try to push my belief on anyone. If a person wants to talk I will. I have also had many interesting conversations with people, asking about their beliefs. Many times I find that my interest is not understood, because I do not want to argue that they are wrong, while letting them know that I stand firm in my belief.

My personal feeling is that if I can understand why you believe what you believe, it gives me a better understanding of why you hold on to that which you believe. It goes back to one of my favorite sayings,” you do not take something of value away from a man, without giving him something of value to replace it.”

The values that we have installed in ourselves are important to us. Some of our values have been with us since child hood. Habits have built up over time; they are not broken without reason, desire and change. Some of our values have become habits, not all of which are good.

When I got in the wrong church, until I started asking questions, I felt wonderful. I am sure you remember the feelings you had the day you gave your life to the Lord; it was awesome, nothing could touch you, you were an innocent child. Unfortunately some of us were being lead to the slaughter. We did not know because of the joy that we felt at that time. Those that stay in churches like that and try to recruit others into it, is because of the joy that they do want to share with others.

People do what they do in good conscience, when it comes to trying to get you to hear about their beliefs, especially about God.

So the next time someone knocks on that door, don’t judge them, open the door and tell them who you are. It doesn’t matter what they think of you, confess your Salvation before them. If they want to listen to you wonderful, and if not then tell them thank you and goodbye.

The following quote says it much better then me so I will close with it “The word of truth is the water of life, which refreshes the souls that receive it; but deceivers spread and promote error, and are set forth as empty, because there is no truth in them. As clouds hinder the light of the sun, so do these darken counsel by words wherein there is no truth. Seeing that these men increase darkness in this world, it is very just that the mist of darkness should be their portion in the next. In the midst of their talk of liberty, these men are the vilest slaves; their own lusts gain a complete victory over them, and they are actually in bondage. When men are entangled, they are easily overcome; therefore Christians should keep close to the word of God, and watch against all who seek to bewilder them. A state of apostasy is worse than a state of ignorance. To bring an evil report upon the good way of God, and a false charge against the way of truth, must expose to the heaviest condemnation. How dreadful is the state here described! "
God Bless,


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