Saturday, February 09, 2008


Mat 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

I looked last night for a lost document, and never found it. I called and it will be replaced in a few days. That document had been held on to for 4 years and was never needed, and then when it is finally needed it could not be found. I actually thought I would never need it.
How many things do we have in our life that seem so important that if lost would be irreplaceable? And what of the things we think we will never need?
I heard a man say one time that he left his church because he could not remember one sermon the Pastor had preached. I honestly at this moment cannot think of the last sermon I heard preached. Oh I can look up the notes that I wrote at the time. There is much that I have learnt and do not recall, that is until I need it. A conversation can come up and right there stored away is the very thing that lines up with the Bible that I need to say. Who was it that said it? Where did I learn it?
I am sure that man had learnt a lot more then he thought, and so have you and I. Some things in life cannot be replaced. Some things we study we think we might never need; then the time will come and there it is.
What I have stored up on earth will not stay with me forever. It can be lost or destroyed. That which is stored up in my heart is there for always.
Just a few short months ago my wonderful uncle went home to be with the Lord. Everyone knew him as a Godly man. He touched the life’s of more than we can begin to know. The last months of his life were not easy, but at the last from his heart came praise for His Lord.
What you store up in your heart is what stays with you; is ready when you need it, and will never be lost.
God Bless,


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