Saturday, February 16, 2008


Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Isaiah 55:1
That is a promise, come if you are thirsty, come, don’t worry about money just come and eat. The Lord is not concerned with where we have been, or what we have done. Come! He is gracious to meet us where we are. He desires that we know Him, and His entire splendor.
I had a wonderful conversation today with a good friend. She has been burnt by churches. As we talked she said she did not want to be called a Christian because of the lies that she has been told. I told her I prefer to be called a Believer and she said she likes the sound of that, because she does believe. She is just sick of so-called churches.
I think that there are a lot that have been hurt and told lies and are thirsty. I will never let man stop me from seeking the Lord. I enjoy talking with others about my Father. He is first and foremost in my life, even with the faults that I have, and habits that need to be let go of. I am not going to wait until I am perfect, I never will be. I have come a long way from the person that I once was, and I continue to grow and change, and that will never stop.
I was thirsty and still am. God loved me then and He loves me now. He wants me to grow and change, to come to a closer relationship with Him. He does not excuse the behaviors that are wrong in my life, He brings them to my attention and lets me know change this, or stop that.
Many people think that they need to get right before they can call on God. Some have habits that they know do not line up with the Word of God, so they stand back, instead of running to.
Come those that are thirsty. No money, come. Just as you are come. Whether you are not saved, newly saved or old saved, come to the altar. The Lord is there, He is waiting. Come!
God Bless,


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