Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Our Saviour, Lord, Love, Peace, Forgiveness, Righteousness, Deliverer, Fellowship, Example, Companion, Brother, Guardian, Security, Sufficiency, Fulfillment, Everything.

We, who know Jesus, know that He is all of the above. There is not a day of our life’s that goes by that we cannot see His presence all around us. There are times in the rush of doing the things we have to do that we do not stop and look around us.

As I look over the past week, I can see Him in every step that I have taken. He has restored, made clean, forgiven, healed mind and body. He has surprised me with blessings, blessed me with new friends, given me a rose bud. He has allowed me to pass along some of the blessings that He gave to me.

He has showed me things that I did not know, brought to light things I knew but didn’t fully comprehend. He has opened some doors in my life, and closed some others. He has caused me to laugh and comforted me about those things that were sad.

Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Job 1:21

One day 18 years ago the Lord brought that verse to life for me. I was naked taking a bath when a knock came on the door. Naked I peeked out of the curtain and no one was there, it happened more then once. As I retreated back to the bathroom, I heard His voice telling me naked I came into the world and naked I stand before Him. When we go before the Lord there is nothing between us, everything is laid out in the open. But Jesus is an all-knowing God that knows everything, even those things we do not share with Him.

With all that He shares and does for us, isn’t it wonderful that we can go to Him anyway we are at the moment. And even though this week there were things that I was growing and learning, and something’s that are still the same, He my wonderful, gracious Lord was there blessing me, loving me.

Oh what a Mighty God we serve. Look at your past week, and thank Him for all the wonderful things He has done for you.

God Bless,


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