Monday, March 03, 2008


I loved the comments that we received today. I am including them in part: one of my biggest issues is trusting the Lord even though he is soooooo faithful, betty; What a beautiful way to describe a spiritual truth!! - Barbara

We were the caterpillars, we can become the butterflies. Trust is a real big deal to all of us. It is something that we grow up learning and losing, to trust. We human beings desire to think with our mind, we have done it our entire life. Not an easy habit to break, but one that we need to, to have the full honest relationship with God that He desires from us.
Trust with and for God is nothing compared to the trust that we have in this world. There are people in our life’s that we trust, but honestly we all know they can turn that trust around, after all it has happened before, to all of us. I believe we have all had that friend that we shared so much with to only wake up one day and wonder how could we ever have told them all that we did.
As close as LJG and I are there are things that we have not shared. We can talk about a lot of things but there are some things that are too personal, no we do not go there. As much as we do know we can trust the other, we are very much aware that the one we can trust the most is God.
Do I at all times trust in Him? No I forget, and try to do things myself, or at the least try to help Him alone. And then there are times that I forget who I am and forge ahead, to have to take a step back repent, and look for my axe head, before letting go and letting God.
I know God can do it, I know He will do it on time, I know that He will not give me more then I can bare, I know He will strengthen me in all things. Most of all I know that He is gracious and merciful to forgive me when I do forget to trust Him.
Trust with God is a day-by-day journey. As we learn to trust Him with the small things, it becomes easier to trust Him with the big things, and then the bigger things. One thing I do know the more you know the more you trust, the more you trust the more you know.
God bless each of you for your comments and your thoughts. We must add here that as always we operate with God knows best. Last night the article I was working on would not come together. I was blocked, LJG tried to help and still it just was not right. Okay what do we do? The Lord knew that Betty needed to hear this word this morning. We didn’t know that at the time, but we both said let’s put that on the site. It is not the first time that has happened and we are sure it will not be the last. I will also add we have actually tried to write articles ahead of time, it doesn’t work. We wait on God and follow His lead. That said be blessed in the LORD. Amen.
If you are wondering about the axe head, just ask, LJG will explain it again.
God Bless,


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