Saturday, February 23, 2008


There are two religious articles printed each week in our small town newspaper. One is from a religion and the other is from a Bible Believing church. The article this week was about attending church. Pastor Reppond wrote that attending church was not just an obligation.
Psalms 42:4 When I remember these things, I pour out my soul within me. For I used to go with the multitude; I went with them to the house of the God, With the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept a pilgrim feast.
I am in the process of searching for a place to rest and be strengthen. It is not easy finding a church that lines up with the truth. I am weary of looking but do not want to settle for less, I will not compromise my beliefs.
Church is not a building; it is a meeting together of people sharing the truth of the Living God. That said and believed very strongly, I do attend church. At my work place with the many talks thought short with people who give me scriptures and bring light into my life, and then also with those that I do the same for. In the break room talking with a Pastor that I work with, he is always giving me words to grow on. My home has many times been the place of hours of talks about the truth of Jesus, the phone and yes the computer with IM’s. Anywhere there is a conversation about God there is my church, it is not confined to one building at a certain time each week. I carry my church with me at all times. Yes there is church in my life, but I want so much more.
I want a place were I can go and be taught, were I can find the guidance of one that I can trust to guide me to a stronger relationship with Christ. I do not want to attend a place with traditions that make no sense and do not line up with the Bible. I do not want to attend a place that constantly does not line up with the Word. I do not want to go to some little break off place, where someone has decided they are called, and without instruction has opened the doors to yet another building. I do not want to attend a place that does not feed me, clothe me, or support and strengthen me.
I do not just want to go to church, I want to be a part. I can be the one that cleans the bathrooms, but I want to contribute something. I want to be a part of the place I decide to rest.
Okay there are a lot of I’s, which is not supposed to be proper. But we are talking about our souls here and that is I. I am important and I want to grow and I need this.
Am I alone in my search for a place, I do not think so. I see many who settle for less, and I do not want that. Am I being too picky? No, I refuse that; I have to be careful this is my soul.
Pastor Reppond says, “The church was never created by God to be a religion but to be a place where His children would gather to worship and give thanks unto Him. The church was not created to isolate people because of the religion they belonged to but to be a place people could come and pray and encourage each other during the difficult times of life. Mankind has changed the purpose of the church with its doctrines, laws and message.”
As I talk to people I find many who have and are searching for a place; a place where they can worship God in truth. I will not stop until I find the place that is right for me.

Until then I will stay in the Word and study, I will continue to share and talk with those that I meet. Once I find a place I will continue to do those things.
Today I am visiting a different church, I pray that finally I will find a new home. You will receive a review of it this week.
God Bless,


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