Friday, March 07, 2008


Titus 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
This week I have been doing research on a couple of Jewish sites. Now before you get the wrong idea, I am not brow beating these people. As Believers, we have been adopted as a Jew. So we must think on that fact and it is interesting to see that they aren't really that different from any of the rest of us. Yes it is very true that they don't believe that Jesus has ever come. But that is something that is between them and God Almighty.
So now I would like for ya'll to think for a minute about this thought of mine. If someone was to start talking about one of our loved ones, what would we do? Well let me just tell you that we wouldn't stand there and let it go on. We would bow up and let them just plain know they are walkin and talkin on very dangerous ground and they had better back off and shut up. Ok that is what I would do anyway.
I know they on live by the Words in the Old Testament. So, therefore, they can't see and understand the change that came about with the coming of Jesus.
The Jews, like so many others walkin around today, believe that there are certain food and drinks that we can't consume. Hog wash! Jesus plainly said that whatever He made is clean and not uncommon.
Paul shows in the above scripture, in few words, that purity consists not in any outward worship, and that which is according to the old Law (as indifference of meats, and washings, and other such things which are done away with the coming of Jesus) but in the mind and conscience. And whoever teaches otherwise, does not know what true Godliness really is, and also is not to be heeded. If our minds and consciences are unclean, what cleanness is there in us before we come to believe in God?
It is not food that makes one impure. To the pure all things are pure. When one is unbelieving and defiled, no food can make him pure. All kinds of meat; the Mosaic distinction between clean and unclean meats being now taken away. The apostle joins defiled and unbelieving, to imply that nothing can be clean without a true faith: for both the understanding and conscience, those leading powers of the soul, are polluted, so is the man and all he does.
Let us all remember that it is not what goes into the body that defiles us but what comes out of our mouths.
God's Blessings to each of you,


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