Tuesday, March 18, 2008


March 9 1843 - Scottish clergyman Robert Murray McCheyne wrote in a letter: 'You will never find Jesus so precious as when the world is one vast howling wilderness. Then he is like a rose blooming in the midst of the desolation, a rock rising above the storm.'

Source: Today in Christian History

Can't you just see this scene in your minds eye, absolutely nothing but barren land as far as you can see and then all of a sudden you see this beautiful rose standing there all alone and just a few feet beyond there is a rock. Oh think about it my friends, He has provided all we need to get past whatever we are going thru at this time in our lives.

Now this rock isn't so big that we can't climb up on it. Once we get on it we are cradled in His precious loving arms, safe, sound and secure. Oh how glorious that thought is.

How sad that we allow ourselves to be tossed to and fro for so long a time before we look for the only safe place there is for us. When you think about it, it really is so simple that we fail to see Him there waiting for us. So simply that we can't comprehend. We think that it has to be hard. But it isn't.

rECj and me was talking last night about a dearly loved family member who is on the verge of losing everything. God doesn't want them to lose, He wants them to win. The only problem is they have failed to keep Him foremost in their lives. So, He had to do something to bring them back to their first love. They have found the Rock, climbed up on it and are holding on to the Rose with dear life. He is going to restore them to greater heights.

It isn't God who has failed or forsaken us, it is us who have worked so hard to do it ourselves that has caused us all the troubles we have or will have. We just lose sight of the Rock. The only requirements He has given us is that we come to Him believing on Him as the only true God and have a child like faith. That gives us the privilege to rest on His bosom for all eternity.

Are you finding yourself walking thru a wilderness right now? Then stop, stop right where you are and look for the Rose and Rock. Run to it as fast as you can, there you will find the peace and love that you are so desiring. No all our troubles won't go away but they shore will be a lot easier to bear. Let us today determine to keep less of ourselves and a whole lot more of God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost in our live.

Keep this thought in your head, when you are down to nothing, God IS up to something.

God's Blessing to each of you,


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