TOOTH ~ One of the particulars regarding which retaliatory punishment was to be inflicted (Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:21). "Gnashing of teeth" =rage, despair (Matthew 8:12; Acts 7:54); "cleanness of teeth" =famine (Amos 4:6); "children's teeth set on edge" =children suffering for the sins of their fathers (Ezek. 18:2.
Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary
I know that wisdom is something to be desired, and getting wisdom can be painful in experience, but what is this with wisdom teeth? I cannot think of a single person at the right age that has not had trouble with their wisdom teeth. All of mine had to be removed by the dentist, it hurt, got infected, a real painful experience.
Okay I have not lost my mind so bare with me here. God made us in His image, so He must have teeth. He would not have given us more teeth then we needed, so there must be a reason for wisdom teeth. And what is with the name wisdom teeth where did that come from? So my question to ponder is why do we have them?
I can rightfully understand having two eyes, two hands and two feet, and ten fingers and ten toes. I know that God does not make mistakes. I can even understand why our baby teeth have to come in and then fall out a few years later.
My thing is not knowing anyone who did not have problems with them and then there are four. I was blessed that all four came in at the same time. I say blessed because the pain was all at once, unlike some people I know who got them one or two at a time.
I guess you could say this is one of those questions that I would love to ask Jesus when I see Him in heaven. Of course I will probably forget it when that does happen. Maybe after we have all been there a while, one day I will see Him and say Lord I have a question for You. He of course in my mind will tell me to come sit beside Him. He will look at me with the kind of love that is so bright it warms all the inside of you. Then He will tell me go ahead and ask my child. Now that will make me feel good, at my age being a child to someone, but anyway I will ask, "Father, why did You give us wisdom teeth?" And he will give me the right answer. I know He will.
I could seek Him now about it, and I do believe if I did He would give me the answer now. I though want to wait until we can sit and talk to ask for the answer. It is not that important and He really is busy, so I don’t want to bother him with it now.
I think this is the only question that I have that is important to me that I will not take the time to seek Him about now. Other then this question everything else is, well things that I need to know now. All my questions get answered, even if it is not the answer I think it should be, or the answer I want.
Is there a question that you have for Him that can wait? Am I the only one who thinks like this?
I am glad I know that He is there for me at all times, and my questions are never dumb to Him. I also know that He is never to busy for me or any questions that I do have for Him. I think of it like having a private cell phone with His private number. No one else has the number I have and He is sitting there waiting for my calls. The calls are pre-paid, and there is never a bill, it is a life long contract, paid in full.
God Bless,
My answer is: to get us used to pain and make us tough, LOL. LJG

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