Thursday, May 29, 2008


Though He was rich, for your sakes He became poor. 2 Corinthians 8:9


Key Verse: Romans 12:8

Definition: To give a share of; to impart. The word ‘impart’ implies ‘sharing of self as well as things’ 1 Thes. 2:8. The God given ability to willingly, cheerfully and generously give a share of one’s possessions, either material or spiritual, to the work of the Lord.

Scriptural References and Examples:

Mark 12:41-44-The little lady not only gave her coins, she imparted herself when she gave. She gave ‘her all.’ Note, also how Jesus looks at our giving. He beheld how the people gave.

2 Cor. 8:1-7-Paul encouraged the Corinthians to abound in the grace of giving as they excelled in faith, knowledge, and other gifts and graces.

Note, too, that in 2 Cor. 8:2 and 5 that part of the Corinthians liberality was giving of themselves.

Notes and Observations of the Gift of Giving:

The gift of giving is not solely determined by the dollar amount, but by the completeness of his sharing. Mark 12:41-44 In Romans 12:8, Paul instructs that the gift of giving be with ‘simplicity.’ That word ‘simplicity’ is the Greek word which means ‘sincerity.’ It also means without folds, without pretense. Sincere giving is manifested in generous giving, 2 Cor 8:2, 9:11&13.

Paul, then, is not only concerned that the gift be used, but how it is used. More scriptural references refer to this gift as giving money. I believe it applies to other areas as well.

All Christians are required to give. We obediently give 10%. That is our minimum. That is the beginning point. Some, however, are gifted with the ability to make more than what is necessary to live on. Often, God will use these people to give large sums of money to support the work of the Lord.

R. G. LeTourneau, a Texas industrialist, had the gift of giving. In his autobiography, he talks of giving: ‘The question is not how much of my money I give to God, but rather how much of God’s money do I keep.’

Practical Ways to Use the Gift of Giving:

Supporting the local church
Supporting missionary endeavors
Supporting various evangelistic works
Leading a stewardship campaign. [in this situation, the gift of giving would need to be combined with the gift of leadership.]
Giving generously to a needy family or situation

God Bless,


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