Sunday, May 04, 2008


TRADITION ~ Any kind of teaching, written or spoken, handed down from generation to generation. In Mark 7:3, 9, 13, Colossians 2:8, this word refers to the arbitrary interpretations of the Jews. In 2 Thessalonians 2:15; 3:6, it is used in a good sense. Peter (1 Peter 1:18) uses this word with reference to the degenerate Judaism of the "strangers scattered" whom he addresses (Comp. Acts 15:10; Matthew 15:2-6; Galatians 1:14).

Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary



If you cannot convince me with the sincerity of what you are saying then how can you expect me to believe you. Yes I do want facts to back up what I am being told, but if you don’t speak as though you believe it yourself, you will lose me.

Years ago I had a young woman come up to me in the park where I was watching my child play. She started sharing the Lord with me and I told her I was a believer. She proceeded to tell me about my clothes, I had on shorts. She informed me if she had her Bible she could show me where I was wrong to wear them. I told her why do you need the Bible to convince me of something you believe so strongly about. Then she told me that because of my attitude I would answer to God in the long run.

I do tend to be controversial, I admit it. There is a young man at work who actually calls me Ms Controversy. I told him that if it gets him to question why he believes what he believes then good, I have earned the right to be called that.

I do not want anyone to believe what I say because I say it. No I want people to believe in what they believe because they study, seek and learn the truth for themselves. I am sincere in my belief and want all to know and have a relationship with the Lord. The little things do not bother me. I personally do not care if you eat meat or not. I do not care if you circumcise your sons. I do not care if you wear your hair long, or wear long sleeves or dresses to your ankles.

While I am on clothes let me say this, I do not dress the way I dressed before I had a relationship with the Lord. I do wear shorts but not up to my you–know-what. I have retired my bikini not because of my age, though that is a factor, but because it left nothing to the imagination. No as a Believer I want to present myself modestly. It is not what you wear but how you wear it.

No I do not beef about things like that. My beef is with traditions that are passed down that are not from the Bible. My beef is taking the Word of God out of context, and twisting it to make yourself and other’s happy.

It is quite one thing to believe something because you know no better. It is quite another to hear that it is not right and not question it, to learn and grow and come to your own conclusion about why you should or should not believe something.

There have been an number of things that I thought was right in the Lord that I have learnt was not through the years. Many things I spend a lot of time in prayer about, others once I read it in the Bible I know that I know that the Bible was right and I was wrong.

Being sincere is important to me, if you tell me something from your heart that tells me you believe yourself what you are saying. If you don’t believe it then how can you convince me to believe it?

God Bless,


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