Friday, April 25, 2008


CATHOLIC ~ Catholic epistles: The epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude; so called because they are addressed to Christians in general, and not to any church or person in particular.

Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary


I am sorry but after looking at the news today I felt a need to comment on what is happening in the world today.

I got home from work and turned on the computer, my link to the outside world. I am met with "Exhumed Saint Put in Display", "Padre Pio is Not Only A Corpse".

"Today, we venerate his body, opening a particularly intense period of pilgrimage," Saraiva Martins said. "This body is here, but Padre Pio is not only a corpse. Looking at his remains we remember all the good that he has made."

"For decades, though, many in the Vatican were uneasy about his popularity and scorned him, doubting that his wounds were real and that mystical virtues attributed to him were authentic. He was barred for years from saying Mass in public, even as his following grew immensely."

Okay I will leave out any comments, but that was just the beginning. Next I read "Televangelist to appear on Divorce-Court", what is going on? This one I have to check out, afterwards I wish I hadn’t.

Yes it is true Juanita Bynum is going to be on Divorce Court in a 2 part episode. I will leave the comments alone.

Next I think I am reading something that sounds to be good, okay maybe I am a wishful thinker. The 437 children taken from the Texas compound will be placed in homes that will try not to give them culture shock. The officials will try not to contaminate the children life's, and they know there will be problems. At this point I am thinking they had reason to pull the children from where they were and they are doing their best to provide them with places to stay that will cause as little upheaval as possible under the circumstances, after all they have already been through.. Then I read "or other things that will hinder their success" and "We’re not trying to change them." My comments are long and there is not enough space for them all. I will just say they have already been changed.

Obama, yeah I had to go there, well really not there but close to him, or at least what was, is no longer there. Are you confused? I am sure by now most every one has heard and saw some of the reports about his Pastor. Heck I know a few Pastors who if taken out of context wouldn’t sound so great either. But anyway now he is the EX-pastor, not only that but he is stepping down from his church. Why? That is all I have to say about that.

Now I will go to LJG’s home state and the place I grew up in and stayed for 22 years. The wonderful State of Florida. They are trying to pass a bill that will allow [don’t you like that word] a license tag to be made that shows a cross, a stained-glass window, and the words "I BELIEVE". You have to remember we live in the USA, the home of the free. The man responsible for the bill said you can have your college or football team, this is the chance for others to put a tag on their cars with something they believe in. He also said that if someone wanted to put "I Don’t Believe" on a tag he would probably oppose it. The problem is they know up front it will almost certainly face a court challenge. But wait a minute it is part of a package deal, but nothing is said about what the rest of the package is. One person said they did not want this because they did not want to see the Star of David or the Torah, none of that stuff is appropriate to them. [This person is a Roman Catholic] You have to admit that someone will ask for the KKK to get special tags, but the State of Florida already has "Choose Life" tags, which did result in a court battle and the plates were ruled legal. My say on this, go outside and look at the passing cars. Only about 1 in 4 cars does not have a tag promoting something. And if not a tag then a bumper sticker. I once had a car with BAD in three inch letters on the front windshield, hey whatever rocks your boat.

What is the point of all this, there is nothing this world can do or say that surprises me anymore. The Lord though, well He is always giving me little as well as big surprises. The things He does in our life always in the end make sense and line up to be right. There is not a day in my life that I do not get shocked by what the Lord is doing. He does shock me, from the bird that sits in the dead tree outside my window, to the IM’s I have been having with LJG’s son while writing this.

What a Mighty God we serve. Night is drawing near, and it is time to rest. Tomorrow God is going to shock me with something good, it will be completely unexpected but it will be from Him and it will be good.

God Bless,


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