Monday, February 08, 2010


How many times have you heard or even said, “I’m just a poor sinner saved by grace.” How in the world can you be a sinner and saved at the same time? You can’t. You’re either saved or you are still a sinner. If you are still a sinner you might want to look in the Bible or listen to all of us on this site tell you how to become saved. All you have to do is acknowledge that Jesus is alive, was crucified and arose on the third day. Ask Him to come into your heart and live with you. Oh, what a great day when He does as you ask. How much better you feel. Doesn’t mean your life is going to be easier but it will be easy to get thru all that gets in your way.

Those of us who know we are saved can tell you how wonderful it is when you get thru one trial and see the rainbow at the end. It ain’t easy and we do have to stay positive. Once we allow the negative attitude to creep into our life it will stop us in our tracks and give us pause to stop and pray to get rid of the negative and get the positive moving on down the tracks of life.

Look at Abraham. God called him His friend. Look at all the wrong paths he took but instead of getting negative he went to his altar, asked for and received the forgiveness he was asking for. He got up and did good and kept the positive charged. Being human we are always going to do a few things wrong but what is so important is that we go to our altar, ask for forgiveness and get charged up again.

Did you know that being negative all the time will make you sick, make you unhappy and see to it that you keep those around you unhappy? You take the charge out of others if they will let you. A lot will allow it and then there are those who will go to God to make sure they are right and then they start praying for you out of love. They understand. Many of us have walked down the same path at one time another. Being saved doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes it just means that now you can be forgiven and have the complete joy only God can provide.

This makes me think of an old timey song, “I’m redeemed by love divine, glory, glory all is mine.” That’s all I remember.

God’s blessings to each of you,

To all the people of Clay County looking for a wonderful church to attend, one who practice what he preaches then come on out to Cross Roads Baptist Church located on Baxley Road , right off Blanding Blvd in Middleburg Florida. Come receive your blessing.


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