Wednesday, April 28, 2010



Today Lord we come to You with praise and worship. We thank You for all that You are doing and have done in our life's. We thank You Lord for each person that reads these articles. We thank You Lord for the growth that is encouraged in each of our readers life's.

Lord You have blessed us with favor, anointing, and a life to live for You. Today we are fresh and new in You. Though we are not perfect because of Christ Jesus we can come to you, and we do. We are to cast all our cares and worries at Your beautiful feet, and this we have done. We have done it knowing in our soul, heart and mind that you have heard and answered us.

What a mighty God we serve. Angels bow before you, heaven and earth adore You. What a mighty God we serve.

In any attack we are to stand and praise the Lord and that is what we are doing now. We ask that today you stand with us in praise that God's most perfect will be done.

We refuse to mention what the attack is as we will not give any life to it. What we will do is ask our family to stand with us that 'All is well' in my LJG's life.

God Bless All Indeed


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