Tuesday, July 27, 2010



Start by keeping your passion strong. Paul told Timothy that he should fan into flame the gift of God that was in him. and you have to do the very same thing. You must guard your inward fire and passion. Jesus even said that you should not be lukewarm. What was He saying? Guard your inward passion for HIm.

By the way, it's no one else's responsibiltiy to make sure that your fire is lit. When I hear people say things like, "The worship didn't really do it for me today." Or "Pastor's message didn't stir me up today." I think to myself, what if we all would just show up to church full of the fire and the passion of God. Then instead, of waiting for someone to tickle our spiritual funny bone, we would help create an atmosphere of praise.

Life's challenges can sometimes pour cold water on the passion for the things of God in our lives. That is why we have to guard passion and ensure that it stays squarely focused on the things of God.

Voice of the Covenant by Corey Naquin

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