Tuesday, July 20, 2010


God's chosen People. Doesn't that just bring a Peace inside of you and don't you feel the flow of His Love and Grace within?
To be Called God's chosen rises up inside of me a Desire to press on and to be productive for His Kingdom. To exemplify the Characteristics of our Father in Heaven. I know what you are thinking, "But Angel we live in the real World!" Yes we do, we live in the real world, which Paul says in Phillipians 2:15 "that we may be blameless and pure children of GOD who are faultless in a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you SHINE like Stars in the World."
Doesn't that excite YOU. God knows we are living in a very diverse and even cruel World, He understands about the world around us, and He is telling us because we are His Own Chosen, We are set apart and Even Shine in the midst of it all. I feel that so many in this generation continues to do the evil and cruel things they do because they feel there is no hope or purpose to live any other way. But there is and we do. Phillpians 2:12-13 Paul writes again, " So then my dear friends, just as you have always obeyed not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God Who is working in you, enabling you both to will and to act for HIS GOOD PURPOSE!" So see there is our reason to press on, God working in us and through us for His purpose. God's Ultimate purpose is Spreading the Gospel news of Salvation and His Great love, and His purpose also He is working out in each of us. We are His children, We have access to Him thanks to JESUS CHRIST. We are able to come into the Throne Room of Grace and Mercy. So in our own process of becoming more like Christ. Even in those hardest times in life,times we call trials or storms, when we are in pain and suffering we can stand Strong knowing That God is in Control.
Can we become angry or sad with those who come against us? Of course, the Word says Be Angry and sin not. So Anger is an natural emotion within us, yes we should control it and be disciplined. We can take control by not allowing our Power to surrender to a negative response to those who are coming against us. Jesus Did, on the Cross, by saying, "Father Forgive Them for they know not what they do." See He saw the wickedness, He saw the lack of knowledge too. He saw the pitiful state we were all in and how much we needed Him to save us. So, if we can change our perspective and viewing those who come against as Ones who are in need of a Savior, then maybe our response will be different.
What do we do? We pray, we seek ways to minister to them and most of importantly our hearts are tender for their state of well being because of Christlike Love. With That being said, how does that stop people from hurting us, or coming against us, well, it doesn't control their behavior. Only they have that power to make themselves stop, that is what Free Will is.
So now what do we do? Well, just as the disciples had to shake the dust off their shoes when they were not recieved in love.
Sometimes we have to walk away. REMEMBER We must use wisdom and that comes from preparation with the Word of God in our hearts and applying in our daily lives. We still pray for them. And if the door opens for us to minister to them, we do. Showing Love and compassion when possible and sharing GOD's Word. Jesus was Meek, He told us to be Meek. Meekness is not weakness. Meekness is Self Discipline under pressure without giving up your power to another. So....
Be Strong in the Lord!! Be of Good courage!! These qualities are valuable to a Believer. Remember IT takes a Stronger person to maintain self control than one that looses it at the drop of a hat. And what is our motivation? L-O-V-E! Love is our Motivation to press on, to be compassionate, to be self-controled, to be gentle minded, to be humble and to be Strong. We love, because Christ first loved us! Lets let Christ's Love be our Guide and our Strength. Remember, equip yourself with the Word. Psalm 124:1 The Lord is on Your side. And Remember , if the Lord be for You, who can Be (verb) against You!


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