Wednesday, July 14, 2010


We Serve An Awesome God! My heart was so heavy this morning. I cried. I read God's Word. And I heard specific scriptures to read, and not knowing exactly what these scriptures were ahead of time I obediently read them. And Praise GOD, He heard my cry and broke strongholds and purged the yuckiness I was feeling inside of me. I was so broken hearted before GOD, and even found it difficult to express myself, I called upon a friend to pray for me in my despair. And she Did! I did. She not knowing what I was going through wrote things in a blog this morning that only GOD knew what was in my heart. That was the first break today!! It unlocked my heart and the pain that was in it, and I began to feel a release. So After my repenting for my sin, God began to repair my heart! Then I go and check my email a little later and another friend, a mutual friend of mine and my first friend, and when I read her blog, it confirmed even more that God was doing a big work in me this morning!! I cried and Praised GOD! I was so emotional from the Hand of GOD at work in me. I get so overwhelmed when GOD ministers to me in such a emotional state. To think of all the Millions of people in the world, and HE knows each and every one of us, He even has our hair on our heads numbered! And Yet with all that is Going on in the World, He knows my heart, my broken heart. The best I can described my heart this morning, is to picture a Oil well being drilled and under pressure and there being a reserve under high pressure and God released it! Then I had an early lunch with my son and a good talk, and on our way to KAJN, God brought an old joyful song to me by Audio Adrenaline "I Get down and You Life me Up!" And I got so excited another God Pivoting Moment and confirmation that God heard my cry this morning! Then I get to work and our scripture of the Day is - are you ready for this -
I am so excited right now at how much our God loves us and Cares for us , sorry,the scripture is :

2 Samuel 22:7
7 In my distress I called to the LORD;
I called out to my God.
From his temple he heard my voice;
my cry came to his ears.


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