Friday, July 16, 2010


Be Still and Listen & Celebrate God's Joy!

What is your heart's desire to do for God? Do you love Him so much that You desire to be pleasing to Him? To know that you are operating in what He is calling you to do?

Serve God with Spiritual Gifts which He has chosen for you and know that you have the ability through Him to do so. No matter your age or any limit you might set for yourself, Know that With God All Things are possible! When I interviewed for the job at KAJN, after seeing all that was involved with the job, feeling overwhelmed I begged GOD not to pick me for the job for two weeks! Then the day came when Bro. Craig called me for the job, I prayed! And called to talk it over with my sister to get her opinion, and her husband answered. It was one of those God Piveting Moments for me, when He told me, "Angel, God doesn't called the qualified, He qualifies the ones He calls." Thats when I began to really pray, scared and a little fearful, I prayed, "God, if you are calling me into this ministry, then Father expand the limits I have set for me in my mind, so that I may Glorify You, and learn the things I must learn to be able to do this Job for You." And Guess What??? He DID! He is More than Able!

Thank You Lord, for pushing me out of my comfort zone to fullfill a purpose You have called me to do in ministering Your Gospel and Love on a daily basis! So, what is GOD calling You to do?


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