Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This subject is taught so often, and needless to say, it was never recieved much. But it is a horrible trap that Satan sets and sad to say so many fall into it. It has become a serious matter, and it is a problem in our homes, communities, in our schools and ever our churches. Negative talk verses Positive Talk I have counseled many children who have taken on the negative words that were spoken to them as their core values. They have low self esteem, they think negatively, they suffer depression, they even theirselves have taken on the pattern of negative talk towards others. Words can build people up or they can destroy them. Let's look at Gossip, what value does it have in the Father's Kingdom? What Value does it have in the person's life who is doing the gossip or for the person being gossiped about? This is a type negative speech. We see the negative effects of it in Hollywood all the time. Paul told us to think on things that are positive, good and pure. After teaching the teens for many years, I have seen youth chased away from our churches because of the gossip being spread about them some even being lies and fabricated rumors of them. Sad to say it has become normal in our society and even accepted.

In Philipians Paul also wrote that we live in a cruel world. There are many who seek destructive lifestyles and that is their priviledge because of FREE WILL that God gives us, even though it hurts God, he will let them choose. And there are those who have been dealt difficult trials through no fault of their own and have to live out the pain and suffering of others, What an Injustice. And There are those who take joy in destructive speech that destroys others. Aww! The Power of the Spoken Word. We grew up hearing, Sticks and Stones may break my bones but Words will never harm me. Well, That was a cheap way to build up kids to convince them to stand strong. And know what?? It does hurt People. It's bad enough that maybe a person is going through what can be the most difficult trial of their life, that cruel people will add to the pain but spreading ugly talk about them and adding untrue theories to it as well. What happened to "Minding Your Own Business" People now think that anything is free rule. What have our communities come too. With Facebook and Myspace and other social networks improper speech has been used as weapons of destruction. Needless to say, that Words do have the power to hurt people and destroy lives. God's Word tells us to have compassion, to edify, to encourage, to build up and to pray. And His Word Tells me He has Mercy and Compassion for Us. So are we above God I ask? I found the courage within to stand on God's Word, and I was freed from the circle of Gossip. I Lost some friends at that time because of my stand, and I am sorry for that. That is not what I wanted. But the Peace I found outwayed any lost.

God desires for us to live a drama free lifestyle, we should all be about GOD's Business, not satan's. The WORD tells us, Satan comes to steal Kill and Destroy. Are we representatives of his spirit or of GOD's? Paul wrote in:

Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Over and Over again, we can read in the Bible about our speech, and about Loving our Neighbors. About having a compassionate love for each other. This is a scripture that freed me from gossip and idle talk, I prayed this in Psalm 39 everytime I was tempted or saw a possible opportunity that I could fall into the trap...

FYI ; Many lives as well as testimonies are destroyed everyday because of idle words of others. People without positive support and encougement give up, some commit suicide, some become so depressed and unproductive in the Kingdom of God, and many will retreat from the public eye in fear of what others say. If you have been a victim, don't give up your power to these cruel tricks of Satan, Press On! Find Your Identity in Christ Jesus! The Peace in Christ is Amazing and surpasses all understanding! Keep Pressing On!



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