Friday, July 23, 2010


As we have said over and over in many of our articles, whether we like it or not, we have all been born into a war zone as a result of the Adamic curse that is still in full operation on this earth today. Not only do we have to battle other people and other adverse types of situations in this life, but we also have to battle demonic spirits from time to time, as many of them are still allowed to roam in the air until Jesus comes back to cast all of them into the bottomless pit during the entire length of His millennial reign from the city of Jerusalem.

If God allowed His Son Jesus to be tempted direct by the devil himself during His temptation test in the wilderness, then you can bet your bottom dollar that most of us will probably have to face some kind of demonic attack from time to time in this life.

That is why there is such an emphasis in the Bible that we learn how to become “good soldiers” of Jesus Christ, that we learn how to put on the “full armor of God,” and that we learn how to be vigilant, alert and sober for any types of attacks that can come at us from the enemy. Again, you do not want to be seeing demons around every corner, but you also do not want to be taking the other extreme end of this scale where you are thinking they no longer exist, or that they will not try and bother us if we do not try and bother them.

As we have pointed out in our article on the Great Commission, the 4 things that God is looking for is that we do the best we can in trying to save, heal, deliver and disciple – and part of the Great Commission command is that we not be afraid to engage with demons and cast them off of people where and when needed.

Every time the Lord told the apostles to go out and walk with His anointing, He always told them to cast out demons in addition to saving the lost and healing the sick. Thus spiritual warfare against demonic spirits was always a part of the Great Commission command. As such, every believer should have some type of basic working knowledge in this area of our walk with the Lord, along with not being afraid to use the power and authority that has already been given to us by the Lord to defeat demons when we do run across these types of situations in this life.

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