Friday, October 28, 2011


How is that for a title? Did it get your attention? I will further explain that in a moment.

recj here to apolize to all our readers. As LJG recently shared with our readers she is taking care of a family member causing her to get a little behind in posting on our sites. I also have been for the last three years suffering from pain that the doctors from two different hospitals could not explain or do anything about. Now I have never doubted for a minute that our God does not heal. I believed when this started and still believe today that God can and will heal His children. Which leads us to this odd but telling title.

A few days ago a well-known religious leader was speaking of a story in the bible while LJG was listening. Her Spirit leapt up in her that what he was saying did not line up with Word of God. She sent me the info and I also reacted with anger at his words. This then lead to both of us doing hours of research, talking and comparing scriptures to see if he was right and we were wrong in our belief of what this story was showing to the people of God.

Thus the title above. Now usually I wait to do articles like this on Sunday, to express my personal feelings on something we both feel so strongly about. But as fate would have it, my illness reared its ugly head and I had to rest. Today I saw a new Doctor and finally it looks as though we might have an answer to my problem. We will though have to wait till he gets in the results of all the testing that has been done in the past three years. The truly wonderful thing about this is that as Christians we know that something needs to be called by name in order for us to bind and rebuke it. God always has a plan.

Now again I am sorry for not having articles to post the last few days, but we will promise you that on Sunday you will see the results of our labor about what this man spoke of. It is quite interesting, if we do say so ourselves.

LJG and I have noticed years ago that when we had a really good message from the Lord the computer would act up, we would get sick, something could and would go wrong. Which is just letting us know who is mad at us.

Keep us in your prayers, and be reading Sunday you will find it very interesting. It will also let you know again why we encourage all of you to read, study and seek God about what His Word says and what it means.

God Bless

My computer was down all day yesterday. Praise God it is up and running today. LJG

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