Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Sounds simple enough. Let's rewrite it in plain English.

Don't be tricked, you can't make God go astray. We get back what we give out.

There are many ways to do a study even with the guide line given. It is easy to just read a scripture and say this is what it means. So why it is important to know what the chapter is about Who the main characters are. When it happened. Where it happened. Why is very important, so we can better understand what is the purpose of this. How did this happen.

Just glancing we can see that it is Paul writing to the church of Galatia. The characters are Paul and the church members. It happened after the death of Christ Where is Galatia. Why is it important, what is the purpose. Why is Paul writing instead of going to visit with them?

The more you study the more you understand and the more questions you might have. Our goal is to show you that knowledge is wisdom and understanding

Finished? No as Paul Harvy would say 'And the rest of the story.'

That we will continue with tomorrow.

God Bless

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