Tuesday, December 06, 2011


Numbers 22:28
And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?
2 Peter 2:16
But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.
Twice we are told about the donkey speaking, must be important. Do you think the donkey considered herself to be an ‘ass’, and a ‘dumb ass’ at that? You know every time a story is told it is added to.
Today I listened to a beautiful women tell that she felt her life had not amounted to much. Well, she inspired this article for one thing. Just in the short time she talked, I could see she was a very caring person. Years ago and I do mean like 50 some years ago I saw a drunk lying in the ditch, bottle in hand, clothes dirty and tattered, passed out. I told Mom and Dad as we drove by, ‘You will never see me like that.’ Dad told me, “If you never do, then that man has served a purpose in life.” That man touched my life. We know for a fact he does not know me or how he touched me, but what is important is he did.
We touch many people without even realizing we do. We do not stop to think how our not being here would change so much for so many. Look again at the donkey. She carried people and loads; she kept the grass ‘cut’. She was valuable without speaking.
I asked LJG one time do you think we ever touch any one with what we write? We had never got any comments or remarks. However, we continued to write. We never cared about our name being out there, people knowing that we ‘Did’ it. Sometime we just wondered is anyone reading us. Then the comments started to come in and you know what suddenly it did not matter.
We are important and what we do is important, because as we write we learn and grow. So today, know that you are important. You fill a very valuable place in many peoples life’s. Moreover, most important of all God loves you.
Just for this minute, know that you are. That is it. God is ‘I AM’ and you ‘ARE’. To help here are the definitions: am: [used with I] be; are: present simple of be, used with you. Ponder on that. God is I BE, and you are of BE.

God Bless

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