From Triumphal Entry to the Cross, from the Cross to the Empty Tomb, we have a tough and wonderful journey this next week. And there is one focus, one goal, one reality, that carries us through and helps us see what we need to see, feel what we need to feel, know what we need to know, and believe what we need to believe:
Keepin’ our Eyes on the Christ!
Peter sinking like a rock after doing the impossible reminds us this important truth. And even in those moments when we fail, when we sink, we can still cry out, and the mighty hand of God that sustained Israel through all their troubles and was stretched out to receive the nails intended for us will reach down and save us, too!
It’s a hard week to Resurrection, but Jesus bids us to walk with Him through storm and find his arms outstretched to show His love and receive us when we keep our eyes fixed on Him!
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