Wednesday, November 14, 2007


My dear friends, I have to tell yall about the Women of Faith Conference. It has been many a year since I have laughed so hard or have felt so refreshed. The joy of the Lord was all over the place. Sandi Patti was one of the singers, now I must admit, Contemporary Music is not my thing, but when she was singing How Great Thou Art the Holy Ghost came down on her and it radiated all over the 18,000 women there. It was just plain one of the most special moments during the conference.

Max Lucado spoke Friday night on John 3:16. He wanted to know what our favorite word in the verse was. His is "whosoever." Like he said, whosoever, includes everybody. We are all whosoever. God is willing and waiting for all of us to come to Him when ever and where ever we are. There is never a "bad" time to come before the Almighty God.

The Ladies who gave us the Comedy portion of the show were so outstanding. There is absolutely no way to pick a favorite. They all were wonderful. It was so nice to be around a group of people where there was no cussing, body parts and the crazy clothes worn by so many people. It made my heart soar to see so many woman praising God unashamedly.

I had to promise my baby boy that I would contain my opinions and my outspokenness. Now I have to tell yall that was hard for me. Thank God He did give me the strength to control myself, up to a point. So, at the supper table Friday night I did ask the ladies to sign a paper stating just how good I was. If yall knew me, you would know that I don't try to get people to like me. I can't and won't keep my opinions to myself if it goes against what the Word of God says. The really wonderful thing was that we all believed the same thing so that problem didn't arise.

I am a Pentecostal at heart. A domination that walks around without makeup, don't wear pants, jewelry and with a sad long face. That is not me. I have always stayed in trouble with those people cause I don't have the sad face. I do wear pants, makeup and jewelry, but I don't drink, dance, cuss or go to movies. I also watch TV. I believe the joy that comes from our God should shine from us. I believe in laughter. Oh yes, we all have our sad times during life, that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the sheer pleasure that is imparted to us by Jesus. Laughing at filthy jokes and dirt and hurt of others is not my idea of funny.

Following is a copy of the letter I sent to our Preacher:

I really do have to tell you about your ladies I met this week-end. I hope you can understand I am not good with names, after over 42 years as a waitress, faces are my thing. Also, please understand this comes from a heart that hides behind a very thick wall, a heart that has been walked on and hurt too many times. But I must confess to you that this was the best week-end I have spent in many a year. These ladies were and are the BEST. Ann, Miss Audrey and so many of the others, who names I don't remember were so good to me. It has really just plain increased my faith.

I am not an easy person to like or get to know, of course most of the problem lies at my feet, cause I don't try to be. Each and everyone of these ladies went out of their way to be there for me, even to the point of helping me walk, to taking their time so I wouldn't be left behind.

I saw more God in these ladies than I have seen in many a year and appreciate it more than you, or them will ever know. They certainly went beyond the call of duty and showed the very true nature of our God. They took the time to get inside the wall and show that God's love does still abound.

This love started even before the trip. A lady, tall and blonde, walked over to where I was standing in the parking lot waiting for everybody to get there, to make sure I was alright. She didn't know me from Church, so that didn't have anything to do with her kindness towards me.

Each one of them looked beyond my faults, which are many but thankfully they only say a few of them, and showered me with amazing love.

Thank you, these precious ladies and God for giving me this very special blessing that will never be forgotten or replaced.

P S I am going to keep my suitcase packed so I can be ready for the next out of town trip.

When the chance comes for you to go to a Woman or Men's Conference, please do so. Your life will be changed for the better.

God's Blessings to each of you,

rECj If you knew LJG like I know LJG, is my first thought. This is from her heart. She does not mince words when it comes to her feelings about the LORD, or for anything for that matter. And for that I am most thankful. This is one lady who will boldly go before the LORD about any and everything. Her heart is as big as gold.

Thank you LJG and please share more with us in the weeks to come.

Psa 126:2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them.


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