Thursday, November 15, 2007


John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Today we are going to elaborate on the lesson from Max Lucado from the Convention.

As I said last night his favorite word in the verse is "whosoever." This is his reason and it really does make sense when you think about it. Again as stated last night, we are all whosoever's. But what I bet you haven't thought about, John 3:16 is a Covenant made by God to all of us whosoever's. All He asked from us is to believe. Not much is it? He is there for the world at any time that we are willing to come to Him.

Do you know what Covenant means? It simply means a "promise." He promises us that we will not perish if we just believe on His only begotten Son. He promises that we will have everlasting life if we only accept His precious only begotten Son. He didn't set a place or time. We are free to come to Him no matter where we are at any time that we believe enough in Him to approach His throne of Grace. He is always there for us whosoever's, any where and at anytime.

But what about our promise's to God? Oh yes, we all make them, but how many of the promises made to Him do we really keep? I would dare say not many promises we make are really ever kept. I know we always use the excuse, God understands. After all I am only human. It wasn't really God's will for me to do thus and so. If it wasn't His will to do the promise we made then why did He have us make it in the first place? Let me tell you why. It is just plain and simple, we really don't want too. We need that time to do more important things in our lives.

He didn't ask us to promise Him that we would go to the Cross. He didn't ask us to give up one of our children to the Cross. Oh yes He knew we sure enough wouldn't do that. All He wants from us is to keep the simple promises that are made to Him. To praise Him, sing of His blessings and to thank Him for those many blessings, whenever and whereever we are. We will be judged for the idle words (Mat 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.) of these unkept promises. Bet you haven't thought of that either huh?

How many of whosoever's spend over half our lives keeping promises to others here on earth. To the very Father who has done and will continue to do much for us, we don't have the whenever or where ever to kept our promises to Him. We promise Him so much and keep so little of them. We ask of Him so much and we give so little back in return.

So in closing, the next time you start to make a Covenant with God think on what His cost Him, so that we will be able to keep our part of the Covenant. Simply, the next time you tell God you are going to do something for Him, just do it. The cost won't be that high or costly for us.

Rememer all He asks from us whosoever's is to BELIEVE. If we truely believe we will be able to keep our promises made to Him or we will learn to keep our idle words to ourselves.

Thank you Max Lucado for this valuable lesson.

God's blessings to each of you,

The promises that God made to us are forever, He never changes. Unlike us, we change, and because of His merices we can ask and recieve forgiveness. Take it one step at a time. Just for today Lord let me ask and think before I speak. Let me wait for guidance before I act or react. rECj


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