Tuesday, March 18, 2008


All of us desire to have that special someone that will be there for us no matter what comes our way. It is easy to look at Job, and be thankful that we do not have friends such as these. We can also look at Jonathan and David, and know that it is possible to be blessed with someone endeared to us. It is also quite possible for different genders to have a relationship that exceeds the norm.

The greatest relationship that any of us can have is that relationship with Christ that is without barriers. Men and women alike can have the bridegroom, bride relationship with Christ that He intended. We have but to look at His Word to see that He desires for us all to love Him intimately.

He tells us He is a companion. Psalm 119:63 He is a friend closer then a brother. Proverbs 18:24 The Lord tells us that He has chosen us to be called friend. John 15:15,16 Jesus tells us that He will come in and sup with us, and us with Him. Revelation 3:20 He tells us to love others as He has loved us. John 15: 12-14 He tells us He will come to us. John 14:18

There is no love greater then the love that God had for us in giving His Son. There is no greater love then the Son giving His life for us. They are equal. It might be hard for some to comprehend the love that God became flesh and blood and let Himself die for us. We know that is a fact; we know it is pure truth. How many of us accept that and walk in it? Be honest with yourself, do you treat Him as though He is your very best friend?

Companions in this world are good, LJG and I have written on having mentors in your life’s. Those mentors are in fact companions and should be chosen by God, not us. The greatest companion we can have though is the companionship of God through Christ. God will direct people into our life’s that enlighten us, encourage us, and yes we can just enjoy being around. It is so nice to have friends that we can talk to about the Lord, conversations that we cannot have with those in the world, as they do not understand the relationship that we share with the Lord.

When it comes down to the best of the best, there is only One, He stands above all the rest. Take the time today and everyday to spend time with Him as the best friend you have.

God Bless,


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