Key Verse: 1 Cor. 12:28-In that verse, Paul lists ‘helps’ along with other more well known gifts such as ‘apostle,’ ‘teacher,’ etc.
Greek word: Antilepsis. Literally; “to take one’s turn with, to support; rendering assistance, lending a hand.” The gifts of helps is the God-given ability and desire to support another member of the body of Christ in order that the other person can be more effective in his service for God.
Scriptural References and Examples:
Acts 20:35-‘ye ought to support the weak.’ This word ‘support’ is the verb form of the word used in 1 Cor. 12:28 translated ‘helps.’
Romans 16:1,2-Phebe had this gift.
1 Cor. 16:15-Stephanas’ house evidently had this gift as well.
Phil. 2:25-26-Ephaphroditus was used by the Lord to minister especially to Paul in this gift of helps.
Col. 4:7,9-Tychicus and Onesimus had the gift of helps ministering to Paul, thus making him more effective in his service for God.
2 Tim. 4:11-MARK was ‘profitable’ to Paul at this time in his life. He ministered to the needs of Paul, thus freeing Paul to minister more effectively.
Notes and Observations on the Gift of Helps:
The gift of helps is the ability to serve in any supporting role, often temporal, though sometimes spiritual. While this gift is similar to another gift we’ll study-the gift of serving-it is different in that helps is a support for another member of the body of Christ so that person can be more effect in his service for God. For instance, when the seven deacons were chosen in Acts 6 to help with distribution of food, their ministry supported and freed the apostles to be more effective in their service for God, the service of prayer and preaching the Word. The result: ‘The Word of God increased…’ Acts 6:7.
This gift is one of the most neglected and misunderstood gifts. This gift when operating in the body of Christ will produce great fruit. Often the person with this gift is not well-known. Have you ever heard of Stephanie Willis? She exercises the gift of helps. She is secretary to Billy Graham. This gift is like the gift of mercy, in that it is usually a one-on-one ministry. It is different in that the recipients of the benefits are not normally the poor or needy [as in the gift of mercy], but other Christians who are exercising their gifts.
These people who regularly use the gifts of helps are the unsung heroes of our churches. “When spiritual gifts are mobilized in any given local church, a large percentage of people will undoubtedly find that their gift is the gift of helps. And what a relief they will be to many a pastor who is overworked by a hundred jobs which have little to do with ministering his own spiritual gifts.”
Practical Ways to Put this Gift to Use:
1. Editors, proofreaders [thus freeing the writer to concentrate on writing].
2. A Sunday School Aid [Helper]- Perhaps this person doesn’t have the gift of teaching, but serves to free the teacher to teach more effectively by taking attendance, helping with crafts, etc.
3. Secretary, bookkeeper, ushering.
4. Driving the Pastor or other Christian leaders to the airport or on long speaking trips so he can study and medicate, preparing himself to preach.
5. Short-term missionary service to help missionaries with practical skills such as building buildings, office help, evangelistic efforts, computer work, etc. To the extent they disengage missionaries from the temporal occupation to preach and teach, they are employing the gifts of helps.
6. Preparing elements for the Lord’s Supper.
7. This list, like many others, is only a partial list. Other practical areas can be discovered with some prayerful thought.

God Bless,
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