Saturday, November 17, 2007


Psa 126:2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them.

I want yall to go with me for a few minutes and picture yourself at your favorite event, be it a sports game, your children's games, your favorite worldly singer or whatever. Now I know yall do some hollering and carrying on at these times. There is much laughter present as well. We are all so eager to holler, "that's my boy/girl." I did and still do with my grand children now. We jump up and down as well.

Now, look at us when it comes to God. We walk around with this long sad, unmade up face and if we aren't careful we will stomp all over our bottom lip when we walk cause we are so stooped over with this unhappiness we want to carry around. When we go up to witness to an unsaved person about Jesus, we say in this dead, unemotional voice, "let me tell you about Jesus." Now tell me why should an unsaved person want to know about "your" Jesus if you are looking and acting as sad as those who walk in the world? They don't need additional sadness. They are looking for relief from all this sad place they have been living in for all their lives. They are looking for someone to give them peace, joy, something good to look forward too.

When I talk about my Jesus, I get excited, I get loud, I feel such joy that it just has to come out. I want to shout about how He took me out of the bottomless pit and brought up to a new level, keeps bringing me up to levels until I reach the final level, HEAVEN and being in His presence forever and ever. Now that is something to shout about, I'm on my way to Heaven and mighty proud to let any and everybody know it. I am not ashamed or afraid to say about my Jesus, "now that's my boy." I don't mean that any disrespect toward Jesus by saying those words, but He was a boy at one time and I am sure there had to be laughter at some points in His life. No the Bible doesn't mention any but that is my thought.

Of course, it stands to reason, He knew what lay before Him that He may not have walked around with a painted on grin for all the world to see. But surely you do realize that there was a presence about Him that drew the lost and dying to Him. Even those people who didn't like Him were drawn to Him. Why is that you reckon? I really don't think it was because He was carrying a sad countenance about that they wanted to be near Him. If you will be totally honest with yourselves, you will admit that you do not like being around people who never see any happiness, laughter, or joy in this world, or their life. No, my dear friends, it had to be the joy of knowing where He was heading and what the reward waiting on Him, just as it is for us, if we only believe in Him.

Don't you imagine after He arose, they might have been a bounce to His step, laughter in His precious voice, joy in knowing that He had fought a good fight and the race for His work on earth was over and done with? In knowing that He would be back home with the Father waiting for those of us who believe on Him to come to Him and worship the one true living, loving God? Can't you imagine the laughter when another sinner becomes a saint, a believer on Him? It makes me want to burst out in laughter just thinking on all the good benefits He has for us.

People let me remind you, after we are dead, we won't be coming back to walk on this earth like He did. One day we will but it will be too late for all those missed opportunities to show others to have the same laughter in God.

When David was dancing in the streets do you really think he wasn't laughing and shouting? Of course he was. He is one of our Lord's relatives, so what does that you?

Lastly, my dear friends, I want to leave you with these two scripture:

1 Samuel 2: 1 And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn (strength) is exalted in the Lord; my mouth is enlarged (laughter, a smile) over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation. And I Thessalonians 4:19 For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?

Let us all remember at Jesus' return, He will descend from Heaven with shout, a mighty voice so we won't miss Him and will be taken up with Him.

God's blessings to each of you,

Ecc 3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;


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