BLESS ~ God blesses his people when he bestows on them some gift temporal or spiritual (Genesis 1:22; 24:35; Job 42:12; Psalm 45:2; 104:24, 35).
Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary
How do we know the voice of God? How do we know that it is Him that is truly guiding us? We need to learn to know the sound of His voice. And how do we do that? Be still and know that He is God, wait for Him to speak to you.
To each his own and that is pretty much what we have here. What God sounds like to me is not necessarily what He will sound like to you. Maybe you think you don’t hear Him at all.
I think back to hearing someone say if God appeared would we change, the immediate response is yes. But of course we know this is not true. Jesus came and walked and talked, and many did not pay Him any attention, and some who heard got angry, and turned away. Some who heard Him wanted Him dead.
But, how can we hear Him, or at least know if He is guiding us. We have to stop and ask first. God will not push His way into our life’s, anymore then He will push us into harm. It all comes down to us. I have had periods of time where I heard an audible voice, and times were I heard nothing. I have had times where my entire body tensed up as thought it was saying stop. I have talked to people who have seen and felt many different things. One thing I do believe is He will show His ways plain in a way that we will understand, which is not always a way another would understand.
So how can we know it is Him, how can we hear and know that it is Him?
Start agreeing with Jesus. Start believing and agreeing with the Word. Say, "The Word says I can hear God's voice and I believe it! I do hear the voice of God!"
Then put your faith into action. Open the ears of your heart and start listening for the voice of the Spirit, especially when you're reading the Word. Pay attention not to the activity in your brain but to the quickening in your inner man (primarily the area just below your chin, or chest area).
If you're not sure where to locate those stirrings, just think back to a time when you had what we sometimes call a "hunch." Suddenly something just dawned on you and you knew or understood something you hadn't known before. Those kinds of dawning’s come from your born-again spirit.
Purpose to become more aware of the prompting's that arise from your spirit because they are the leading of God. Learn to trust them. The Holy Spirit will help you to step out on them a little at a time.
Initially He won't be giving you risky, world-shaking kinds of leading's. When you're first learning to identify God's voice, it will be mostly yes and no answers, not to go sell everything you own and invest it in some off-the-wall business venture. He'll begin by showing you simple truths from the Word that you can act on. He'll reveal from the Word, for example, how you can obey more fully the law of love. He'll show you ways to bless the people around you.
The more you trust His voice and follow His leading's, the more clearly you'll find you can hear from Him. Before long, hearing from God won't be an occasional event but an everyday part of life. And when someone asks you, "What is the Spirit of God telling you today?" you won't hesitate a moment.
You'll know exactly what to say.
God Bless,
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