TRUTH ~Used in various senses in Scripture. In Proverbs 12:17, 19, it denotes that which is opposed to falsehood. In Isaiah 59:14, 15, Jeremiah 7:28, it means fidelity or truthfulness. The doctrine of Christ is called "the truth of the gospel" (Galatians 2:5), "the truth" (2 Timothy 3:7; 4:4). Our Lord says of himself, "I am the way, and the truth" (John 14:6).
Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary
Living in the world today is hard. We face many challenges. I was told yesterday I was a scrooge when I answered how I was spending the day, which is Easter. My plans, time alone with the Lord. What no family, no get together, no eggs? No, time with the Lord.
The person told me they are glad they can have that time, any time, any place. They have God with them all the time. I said yes I know that, but what about one on one time with God. They walked away. Did that bother me, yes I admit deep down for a second. What hurt more is the Christian who sat across from me and agreed with that person. Okay she is fairly new to the Lord, but they both profess to be Christians.
Am I a radical? Yes I guess I am. I refuse to compromise what I know to be the truth. Am I hard, well yes I would say I am? Sometimes I even call my self a basher. I will write something and e-mail LJG, well here I am bashing again. Am I a basher, well if the truth hurts that is on you? What is even better is if it opens your eyes to ask questions and not just accept what you have always done as right, then Thank You Jesus.
From the very first article that was posted on our first site we have said and continue to say: do not accept any man’s word, seek the Lord, read and study, pray. Let the Lord lead you. LJG and I are not perfect. We have started writing articles of something we thought were right, to have God stop us and show us no it was not. One day while looking for a scripture we found it wasn’t in the Bible. One of those saying that we quote all the time and think is in there and it isn’t. We spend the day looking up every quote like that we could think of. Many of those old sayings were not in the Bible, they are misquoted. That is just one of the reason’s we check and double-check each other.
To say life is hard in the world today is wrong. Oh I might be called a scrooge, and we have been told we are wrong, but we have persisted. Compared to what has happened to others who stood their ground I think we have it pretty easy.
Stephen was stoned to death. James the brother of John was beheaded. Phillip was crucified head down. James the brother of Jesus had his brains beaten out with a club. Matthias [the one who took Judas place] was stoned and then beheaded. Andrew was crucified spread eagle. Mark was dragged to pieces, by the people of Alexandria. Peter, crucified upside down. Paul was beheaded with a sword. Jude was crucified. Bartholomew was beaten and then crucified. Thomas was killed with a spear. Luke was hanged. Simon was either crucified or hacked to death depending on which records you read. John the beloved of Jesus was boiled in oil and lived, he went on to write Revelation and then died in his sleep. Matthew either fell asleep or was slain with a sword. These are the disciples.
Nothing much has changed through the years. People have been killed, beaten, put in prison. Living for God is the normal except to everyone who isn’t. I would rather be a scrooge than keep my mouth shut, or not stand for what I know is truth. If being called a scrooge means that I believe in Jesus, then so be it.
The disciples did not willingly die for something that they did not believe. They knew that without resurrection there is no life at all.
Scrooge, well some might call it that. I call it a child of the Living God. Who are you?
God Bless,

Source: Watton on the Web ~ Christain Resource Center
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