Sunday, June 01, 2008




Usually lasting several nights, revivals are meant to stir up the believer as well as the unbeliever. These meetings are loud and consistently moving in the Spirit, revivals are not your usual Sunday morning sermon. When though should we seek revival in our life’s? My answer is at all times. We should be stirred up each day of our life. Our thoughts each day should be who can I stir up today about the love of my Saviour, and that includes ourselves.

A person that does not have a relationship with Christ needs to be revived. To revive means to return to a consciousness or life; to become active or flourishing; to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state; to bring back; renew in the mind or memory.

We are all created in the image of God, whether we believe it, act on it, or flat refuse it, we are created in His imagine. Genesis 1:27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. I can only deduce from that scripture, and there are many more like it, that if we were created in His image then we must have His mind set within us.

If His mind set is within us, and it is, then we who do know and have a relationship with the Lord should desire to draw on that mind set and bring it to the fullest development that is possible.

We should also desire to let as many people as possible know about the Lord. Why would we want to keep something so vital to our existent to ourselves?

Assuredly we are not all called to be all things, but it is within us to be anything that is needed at the moment with Christ. Just as we are all called to Christ, we all have different gifts. I am reminded of the Pastor who had been praying concerning an area in his life. No answer came forth from his regular sources, elders in the church, etc. In going to the restroom of his large church the janitor walked up to him in that bathroom and ministered to the Pastor’s need. For all intends and purposes this was an unlikely source, as we would call the man mentally challenged. The mind set of God is within each of us and God will use it from the most unlikely source if need be.

That said we though should strive to have revival in our life’s each day to live up to all that God would have us be in Christ. The revival has to start in us, if we start it in ourselves it will grow and bloom and spread to those around us. If you will take a few minutes to think about this you will realize that it is true. When two or more or gathered together in His Name others are drawn to that conversation.

At my work place P and I see it happening. Others want to know why we are so happy, they walk up and listen to what we are saying. Believe me the only thing we do talk about is Christ, and we have some deep conversations. Myself, the cashiers wonder why I am dancing at work, they ask are you leaving, no I am coming to work. It is the love that they feel and see. This is a form of revival, not just in ourselves but it is reaching others.

Meeting with other believers and having revival is awesome, we all need it at times. We must remember though that revival can take place anytime, anywhere. At our workplace it is happening in a positive way, and I am glad and rejoice in it. Anytime is the right time to renew, strengthen, and lead someone to that, which is already within them, the love of our Saviour Christ Jesus.

We as believers are to go into the world and spread the love of Jesus. How do we spread the love of Jesus by reviving that which is already inside each one of us.

God Bless,


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