Source: Christiansunite
Key Verse: 1 PETER 4:9,10
These verses indicate that hospitality is a gift [charisma] of the Spirit. The word ‘gift’ in verse 10 is ‘charisma.’
Greek work: Philoxenia. Literally: ‘The love of strangers.’ The God-given ability to love even strangers to the degree that one is willing to open his home to provide a warm welcome to those needing lodging and food. Also, that God-given ability to help people feel welcome and accepted in any situation.
Spiritual References and examples:
Christ, Himself, was a welcome guest in the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus on several occasions.
Acts 16:15-Lydia, a Philippian businesswoman, urged Paul and his missionary team to stay at her home.
Acts 21:4,7,8,16-on Paul’s last trip to Jerusalem, he stayed in several homes. He stayed seven days with disciples at Tyre, 21:4. He stayed at someone’s home in Ptolemais one day, 21:7. He stayed many days at Philip’s the evangelist, home, 21:8. In Jerusalem, he stayed in the home of an ‘old disciple,’ Mnason, 21:16.
Notes and Observations on the Gift of Hospitality:
An amplification of 1 Peter 4:9 might be: ‘Gladly open up your homes and welcome each other as guests, especially those who need a meal and room overnight, and don’t complain about the inconvenience. Again we see the encouragement to use our gifts and also a word on the attitude that should accompany the use of the gift.
Romans 12:13-Paul urges the Romans to be ‘given to hospitality.’ Gaius, a servant of the Lord, housed Paul in Corinth. It was from Corinth [and Gaius’ home], Paul wrote to the Romans, Romans 16:23. In Hebrews 13:1-2, we are reminded, ‘Be not forgetful of hospitality’ or ‘Don’t forget to love a stranger.” 3 John 5-8, Gauis was commended because he received strangers and helped them forward in their gospel mission. There are some limitations to hospitality. We are not to provide lodging for false teachers, 2 John 10,11. The aim of hospitality is to appreciate each guest and help them feel comfortable and loved. Not only do those with the gift have the ability, but they love to do it. Hospitality can be extended to making people feel welcome at our Christian gatherings. Greeters and ushers can play a vital role in helping guests and first time visitors feel welcome and relaxed. That prepares them for the singing and the preaching of the word, thus opening their hearts to what God desires to do in them.
Practical Way to Put this Gift to Use:
Housing overnight guests, like visiting choirs or speakers
Home fellowship hosts
Home Bible studies
Having a college student over for dinner
Inviting a new person in the church for a time of fellowship
This is rECj/LJG writing now; we would like to add this word of caution. We cannot in this day and age open our homes to anyone without knowing who that person is. Here they are speaking of Christians, though the word strangers is used, it is people that are known to be Christians. We, and that includes men, should not invite someone of the opposite sex to our home that will leave us alone with them, to fellowship, or to stay overnight. We are not to put ourselves in a possible situation that could be awkward, we have to be careful.
God Bless,
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