I love getting butterfly kisses from the Lord. I call the wonderful unexpected little things that happen in my life from God, butterfly kisses. It is easy to miss them some times, or to look back later in the day and go oh yes that was a BK.
My week has been filled with many BK’s. Oh there were many things that went wrong, but there were enough BK’s to keep a smile on my face, and joy in my heart. Okay I slipped the other night at work when I couldn’t seem to get done and out of there, but along comes my Brother in the Lord and patiently waited for me. He is a BK.
I am blessed with so much, which to the outsider might seem like so little. I can truly understand if someone looked at me and thought poor old lady. Little do they know that I am one very anointed young woman.
I say young because I have only lived half my life. All my needs are being met by the Father. He talks to me and tells me things and I know that I am loved. Better to be where I am in Him than in the world with much.
I walk outside and there is my bird singing to me from the top of that old dead tree. I don’t know what that tree was like when it was alive, but even dead it still brings joy into my life. While sitting outside a squirrel came up to within 2 feet of me and just sat there. My LJG and I had not had a chance to talk all week, last night we talked till she got sleepy on me.
The other night while laying in bed the Lord laid this on my heart, which LJG mentioned briefly in Saturday’s Editorial. Greater is He that is within me, then he that is in the world. If He that is greater is within me, and I am in He, then with He in me I am greater then he that is in the world.
BK’s, the little things that make you stop and say yes Lord. I pray that today you will receive many BK’s. God bless each one of you and have a very blessed day in the Lord.
PS: I pray that you have enjoyed reading the articles about gifts. We will be doing a questionnaire that will help guide you to the gifts that you have. We believe if you will pray and be honest you might be surprised at the gifts you do have. Our goal since we started these sites is to get the individual person to open themselves up to learning and growing in the Lord. We have always and will continue to encourage you to read and seek the Lord for yourself. The Bible is our guideline to all we are and all we hope to be. May the grace of God be with you in all you do in strengthening your relationship with him.
God Bless

Source: Snuggle-Me Stories: Butterfly Kisses
Author: Sandra Magsamen
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