Thursday, June 05, 2008



Key Verse: Exodus 31:1-11 [esp. 3]-Here we see God calling a specific person by name, Bezaleel, filling him with the spirit to work with his hands in gold, silver, brass, stones, timber, etc.

Definition: The God-given ability to use one’s hands to make, create, repair and construct whatever is necessary to further the work of the Lord and bring glory to God.

Scriptural References and Examples:

2 Chr 34:9-12-Under Josiah’s reign, workman [craftsman] repaired and remodeled the temple.
Acts 9:39-Dorcas, with the gift of craftsmanship, ministered to widows and others in need.
Acts 18:1-3-Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla were able to support their ministry by working with their hands.

Notes and observations on the Gift of Craftsmanship:

This is a very important gift. While those who have this gift are often much-less known their gift is essential to the work of God. The gift, of course, is never mentioned as a ‘charisma,’ yet it is very definite from the Ex 31:1-11 passage that the Spirit of the Lord came upon several of the Israelites for the specific purpose of using their hands to build items necessary for worship.

The Ex 31:11 passage reveals important aspects about this gift.
God called a specific individual by name, verse 2, to be a craftsman, just as he had called Moses by name to lead the Israelites.
God filled him with the Holy Spirit, verse 3, to be a craftsman’s, just as He filled Gideon to lead the Israelites into battle against the Mideanites.
God gave Bezaleel specific instructions and tasks in using this gift, verses 4-11.
God gave him others to help, verse 6.

Craftsmanship has been a part of God’s plan from the beginning of time. Consider Noah and his gift to build an ark. Consider those who built the tabernacle. Consider those who helped build the temple of Solomon. Consider those who helped rebuild the wall in Ezra’s day.

Today, God has placed people in the Body of Christ with this gift. They are architects, builders and craftsmen who help take God’s money and use it most judiciously to build worship centers at home and abroad for the glory of God. While God gifts some men and women with the ability to lead and inspire with the ability to see that building is completed properly and wisely.

God also uses people with trades to help keep the house of God in good repair. These people can also help widows and others who need their homes and cars repaired. Every local church needs a staff of craftsmen [artist, handcrafts, tradesmen] to complete the ministry for the church.

Practical Uses for the Gift of Craftsmanship:

Serve on a Building Maintenance committee for a church.
Be available at the church to use electric, carpentry, plumbing, and painting skills as needed without complaint.
Help widows and others in the Body of Christ who need their homes, properties, cars, etc, repaired.
Use artistic talents [painting, drawing, creative writing] to honor god by making projects, flyers, bulletin boards and other items to help portray the message of Christ.
Use handicraft talents to work with the children in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and Children’s Church-making the lesson more fixed in their minds.
Keep church vehicles repaired and maintained.

God Bless,


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