Monday, June 09, 2008


The following Spiritual Gifts Inventory provides opportunity for you to respond to 125 statements. Your response to these statements will help determine areas of personal strength and ministry and provide a tool to help discover your spiritual gifts. Respond on the basis of your interest and/or experience. Honest responses are essential. Don’t respond on the basis of how you think others want you to respond.

Pray before you begin. Ask the Lord to help you begin to discover your spiritual gift through this experience. As Him for His wisdom.
Read each statement and give it a moment of serious thought.
For each statement say to yourself: “In my life I have satisfactorily experienced…”
Then place an X in the appropriate box labeled “Very much,” “Much,” “Some,” “Little,” “Not at all.”
Complete the entire survey before referring to the computation chart at the end of the inventory.

"In my life I have satisfactorily esperienced...Very much...Much...Some...Little...Not at all...

For the questions please go to this url:

God Bless,

(This is going to be another wonderful and great week for doing our Lord's work. Thank God I enjoy working with my hands. I will keep His praises in my heart, mind and on my lips at all time.

So sorry for everything not being neat and tidy, just didn't work out. LJG)



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