What an amazing year. There have been many major changes in our life's, throughout it all we have kept our eyes on Jesus.
Our purpose as it has always been is edification of the Body of Christ. And that gives us reason to address Phil Robertson. Yes we know many of you are tired of it and want it to go away. With us it touches much deeper. We have been censored and removed from sites for writing about Jesus Christ and His Word. Only a few people noticed. We prayed and opened new sites. But being told that we do not have a right to write on the Word of God, touched us deeply.
Then along comes Phil Robertson, and because of who he is people listened. Well praise the Lord, it was about time. When we go on line we see post for everything, and see post of everything. Why should we not have a right to say how we feel?
Get a grip people and look around you. States vote to allow or not allow bills to past, showing how the majority feels, and it is over ruled. What really gets us about this is if over a million people vote and say no, how can a smaller group feel they have won. In reality they did not. But the news continually shows us polls that say no we do not feel this way. Excuse me we have a problem with this and you should also.
Mr. Phil only brought to the light [ we firmly believe he was used by God] what Christians really feel, but did not express.
Why did we sit back and let the Bible be taken out of school? Then prayer, now the freedom to express how we feel about any subject. We think not. Some one can make us and yes I do mean make us look in the face of Tom and Dick getting married but forbid us to say no it is suppose to be only Mary and Sam.
Then we have abortion. Just this week AOL had posted a baby born in Florida at 24 weeks and this child has survived. Abortion activists say it would have been okay to terminate that pregnancy. What about this couple up north suing and winning a settlement because they love the child the hospital forced on them, by not letting them test and terminate the pregnancy.
Does this mean if I take a sledge hammer and destroy your car you have to buy me a new one. Oh and don't forget pay me for the time I did not have a car. Reality where are you?
Now let's go to this racist issue. I stand on middle ground having two bi-racial children. What is the problem. You like cream corn, I like corn on the cob. So we do have difference. What about it. Please show us one person that is pure, but first you have to figure out what pure is. Sorry since this country was formed we keep getting more and more mixed.
Let us not forget this country the good old USA. Talk to a few Indians about that one. Really, some of our forefathers came over here and pushed and shoved them into reservations and now we call it our country. Sorry but some of them stole, killed and destroyed for it. And people want to get mad at Israel for wanting their land back. Heck it is not where you plant your self, it is what you have allowed God to be planted inside you.
That to us is the whole thing what we have allowed God to plant inside us, or in some cases not plant inside us. That said we will not turn from our belief in Christ, we shall not stop writing and talking about it. And where nobody listened when we said 'You are closing our sites, why, because we spoke of Jesus?' So yes we will support Mr. Phil and his family, because they are speaking the truth.
God Bless
Labels: blogging, careers, dreams, faith, goals, health, hopes, jobs, life, life relationships, plans, poetry, relationships, religion, romance, sermons, travel, work, writing
posted by Unknown at 8:36 AM