Sunday, July 30, 2006


Matthew 7:7-11

Let's see now. Oh yea, I've got it....harsh words, lies, beatings, making others look small so you can look tall, not being accepted, grudges, people thinking they are better than us, just all sort of meanness. Does it really? Then that is a place where we won't want to spend eternity. At least I don't. Don't we have enough of that down here on this earth? I know that I do. It gets old after a while.

When we think of heaven, it is where our Father and Jesus are. Our families are there, well at least some of them are. It is peaceful, tranquil, beautiful and to those of us who like jewelry, we will have plenty of them shining everywhere. We gonna walk on streets of pure gold. We are gonna walk up and down the golden stairs. We will be accepted. Yes, accepted by all those there. Now don't that just sound wonderful.

Joy. The joy of knowing that people will no longer think we are stupid or that they are better than us. Joy. Finally being at total peace. Joy. No abuse of any kind. Now tell me that don't sound good to you. Joy. Being able to spend time with all our family members and finally knowing that they love us like we have never know before. Even tho it could be said that we were the ones that never allowed others to love us. Joy. None of that will matter in any more. Thank you Jesus.

You know while writing this the thought of being in the jail house came to me. A jailhouse of our making of course. Here we are with those iron bar doors closed on us, walking around crying, "oh woe is me." How will I ever get out of here? I got to get out. I've got to get out. Oh, Lord Jesus God in Heaven please help me get out of here.

Than we hear this sweet, peaceful, wee small voice saying, "well then my child just go open the door." All this time the door has been unlocked. We didn't have the faith or courage or whatever you make call it, to go boldly up to the door and just push it open. All these many years we have been walking around in this jail house cell feeling guilty, feeling sorry for ourselves, low rating ourselves and the really sad part is believing others words about us. We didn't just step out on faith and open the door.

Are you in a jail house cell? Then won't you turn to God and tell Him Thank you for opening the door. I am stepping out on faith. I'm leaving and going to hold on to You and the faith you have given me. If you don't know God ask Him. If you don't have the faith, ask Him. Matthew 7:7 states, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

God's blessing to each of you,

Saturday, July 29, 2006


How many times have you heard these words or words like them? Oh, I love you.
You are the greatest thing in the world to me. You mean so much to me, I just don't think I could ever live again without you.

Yea right. We all like to hear these words. At first it really touches our hearts. But then we start to notice that there are no feet to these words. Words just roll so easily from our mouths.

To so many people think that they are the only one that truly matters. To them just because they use the above words so good that means the person that they are telling them too, should just live their life to please him/her. To take the other person's feeling, wants and likes into consideration is just not a thought that ever crosses their minds.

What if Jesus had put the very same rules down for us? Could we live up to the duty He set? Just do, do, do for Me and I will do nothing for you in return. Yes, we are supposed to do for others as we would do for ourselves. What does He ask from us in return for ALL that He has done for us? To love one another. Love our neighbors as ourselves. Husbands love your wife as you love yourself. Of course, it goes without saying, that we are to love, live and walk the walk set down my Jesus. I know, some of us fail at this miserably. I do. There are others who honestly believe that what they do is never wrong. It is always the fault of others.

Like we have said before in our writings, we all need to take a real good look at US. Take the BEAM out of eye before we try to take the splinter out of another's eye. Like my Granny always said, "Clean your own back porch before trying to clean somebody else's back porch."

How many of you feel as I do about saying "I love you." Do ever feel that people don't believe you when you say it? Are my actions saying something else? I am praying that my actions aren't making a liar out of me.

Now it is my turn to examine me and get my actions straightened out so that my words will be believed. God please forgive me for being so slack in my actions.

God's blessing's to each of you,


Friday, July 28, 2006


Have you ever thought about our tongue when we think of killing? No, we don't. We think of guns, knives, poison, bombs, cars, fires and many other items. So, then how can a tongue do any killing. It is real easy.

James 3:6-12 states that the tongue is uncontrollable. It defiles the whole body. It starts fires. We can tame so many things but nope not the tongue. James says "it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison."

Now, I am sure you are wondering how in the world can we kill someone with our tongue. I will tell you what we think. Words off the tip of our tongue can do more damage that the taking of a life. Words can kill the heart and soul of a person. We call it "hurt feelings." But it goes so much deeper that just "hunt feelings."

I know that most of us don't ever mean to kill anyone. I am sure that most people wouldn't think of picking up an object to do harm to anyone. To us that is unthinkable. So then my friend, why the harsh words or no words at all?

We are told also in James 5:16 "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Here again how many of us will do any confessions to another? Even after we have caused them so much hurt. Why do you reckon that is? Are we so ashamed that the words just won't come? The simple answer, we believe, is that we don't know the words to use, and in some cases just don't want to speak the words.

OK, we don't feel that we were wrong in what we said or did. That is the way most of us feel. But does it really matter who was at fault? After we have had our hurtful say, which in our eyes is just exactly what so and so desired, what have we really and truly accomplished? The destruction of a heart and soul.

Ephesians 4: 26-32 (v26) "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath." Verses 27-32 gives us the rest of the instruction on how to help with our tongue.

Let us all think about our tongue when start to lambaste another.

I am truly sorry for all the hurt and harsh words that I have spoken to so many. I pray that one day I may be forgiven by these people.

God's blessings on each of you,


Thursday, July 27, 2006



Not from where I am sitting and looking. Why is that? I was raised in a good Godly family. It wasn't popular then either. I went all thru Junior & Senior High School so proud that I was a child of God. I let every one know about how I felt toward God. Oh I am sure that there were a lot of my class mates who shut their ears to me. But I didn't care or let that stop me. Actually, I just now thought of it. It was only after graduation that I chose to go by the wayside and do my own thing. Which seemed like a good idea at the time, but believe me it wasn't. Was it popular in Jesus' time? Not from what happened to Him.

We all know the story. How many of us could walk, talk and be around the very people we knew were going to have us killed? We would like to think we are that strong. But none of us are.

Think about the nails that went into His hands and feet. Have you ever drank vinegar and water? I have and trust me it ain't tasty. Think about his poor mama. Can we even imagine what she was going thru? She knew what was going to happen. But the pain and love was still there and I am sure she just wanted to hold Him when she saw how badly beaten he was. Wouldn't you? I know I would.

We have sat back and waited for someone else to stop the problem of evil taking away God from our Nation. Oh no, we can't get involved cause people will find out and not like me or want to be around me. Well, so what! The only one that is important enough, loves us and never leaves us is the very One that we won't stand up for.

We all need to remember that Jesus said if we deny Him before men, He will deny us before His Father which is in Heaven. So we don't have a lot of friends. Can't we understand the simple truth that we will gain more by standing for Him while on this earth? Can't we understand that He is really the only true friend that we have? He never leaves us or forsake us. Even when we go away from Him, He is always there for us.

We can tell Him anything knowing that He will never tell anyone. That He won't hold it against us once we repent. Think about Him the next time you find yourself wanting to talk about Him and don't.

Are we going to be nailed to a cross?

God's blessing to each of you.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wed, 26 Jul 2006 EMOTION

What make Noah get drunk? Was it emotion? Was it misguided trust in his ability to drink of his vineyard and not get drunk? Could the answer just simply be, God planned it that way? That is what we think. God planned our lives out from the beginning. Yes, even before we were born.

Do our emotion's cause us to make mistakes? Of course, it does. Like Noah, we think we can take that one step to the other side of the street on our own. Then we take one more step and before we know it we are not living or doing God's will. The grass is always greener on the other side and we see all these people living what is called the "good life." It seems to us that they are living for God and all things are provided to and for them. But, when we get over there we find that they aren't in God's will at all. What they get here on earth is all they will ever have. We need to remember that the Bible says; "All that say Lord, Lord will not enter into the Gates of Heaven."

Before we took that first step did we remember to pray and seek God's advise as to whether we should take that first step? No. We find that our life's are one trial after the other. Nothing is going right for us. Everything is falling apart. That shows us that we didn't pray first. Had we prayed first our lives would be orderly and be running smoothly.

Does that mean that we don't have the right to use our emotions? Never. God wants us to use our emotions either for Him or against Him. A well can't bring forth both sweet and bitter water. That is what our emotions are like, a well. Are we bringing forth sweet water? Do our emotions cause to want to talk about God and not be ashamed or afraid?

Remember Saul? He was going forth and spewing all kind of bitter water. But, when God brought him to the road, blinded him, put him first on his face then on his backside and changed his name to Paul, he went forward, preached, taught from the well of his emotion's.

As with Saul/Paul we are all led by our emotions each minute of every day. Who guides your emotions? The Good that leads to Eternal Life or the bad that leads to nothing but a great big hot, deep hole?

God blessings and love to all. LJG/rECj

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Starting with Genesis the 6th chapter and going through the 9th chapter is the story of Noah's ark. We have all heard the story and/or told it to our children. But [don't you love the word but] what is the story behind the story, what messages do you find when you look into it deeper. Well, lets go for a walk and see what we can find.

We won't cover everything I am sure but hey lets go for it.

Noah was chosen because he walked with God. Noah would do exactly what God told him to do without question. He left nothing out, nor added anything to what he was told to do. I am sure there had to be some GOOD people around. Did they beat on the sides of that big boat and beg Noah to take them? Did they tell Noah please take my babies, don't let them drown? Did Noah ask God to let him take his Mom or dad if they were alive. NO, he was obedient to what God told him to do.

From the beginning of time God has set boundaries. He has also given us a way out. God has always provided a place of safety and refuge to bring us out of chaos. That is when we do what God tells us to do. When God gives us a plan we are not to add or delete from it. It might still work, but you made it your plan. Another thing that happens is we don't get blessed when we do it our way.

Here is a man who obeyed God to the letter. Think about it for a few minutes, could you have turned a mother and her child away, what about just a child. I mean come on it's just a baby. Well, Noah did and it is what God told him to do. If I saved that baby I wouldn't have accomplished what God intended by replenishing the earth with my family and the animals but it would have been my way.

God fully intends for us to worship and obey Him, His way not our way. Do you think you are doing it God's way or are you doing it in a way that is more comfortable for you? Are we a Noah, at least concerning the ark? Read further and you will see Noah after all that obedience got drunk, passed out naked, and cursed his son.

Don't you know that God knew what Noah was going to do? After all He created everything in the world. Of course, He knew Noah was just a mistake making mortal. Do you remember what happened after Noah woke up from his drunkenness? He cursed his younger son, Ham, and blessed this other two sons. I am sure that Noah asked God to forgive him and God did. God granted Noah's his curse and blessings.

Do you think you have gone to far? God can't forgive you? Of course He can. He is in the forgiving and loving part of our lives.

We all fall down, we all make mistakes, that is when we get on our knees and go to the Lord Jesus and repent.

God's blessing to each of you. rECj/LJG

Monday, July 24, 2006

Mon, 24 Jul 2006 LIFE

Rom. 8:37; John 16:33; Eph. 4:-32-31; Matt. 6:14-15; Mark 11:25-26; Luke 17:3

Life in itself is full of joy and pain. The things that we experience along life's paths affect us and help set our patterns or lifestyle habits.

Many times we hear of the extremely violent childhood of a murderer or that a child molester was molested as a child. How often do we hear of the children who overcame the wicked childhood and lived a normal life.

Lately television and movie personalities have come forth with tragic stories of abuse and rape. We are happy for them that they have overcome, we are also happy for the unsung heroes who have survived and accomplished living a ghost free life.

But what of those who are haunted by the ghosts of abuse and neglect. The ones who have survived but still carrying the pain with them. There is hope.There is more than hope there is an answer. There is relief and peace. We find this by taking it to the Lord.

Sounds easy, but what of the reality of being free. Well, to be honest we make it hard. The Bible tells us to take all our worries and cares to the Lord. There are steps we have to take to give it to God.

First we have to forgive. Yes, forgive and not just the person or persons, but ourselves. Ourselves, you tell me, we have no idea what was done to you. No personally we don't know your individual story. But yes we both could write lists that probably contain it or something very close. What is important is to forgive yourself for carrying all this around for however long. You did not deserve it, nor did you ask for it. It was not your fault. Do not accept responsibility for what you did not do. Let it go and go on. Speak out loud I am not responsible for this and I will go on.

Now to forgive that person. Let me ask you this question, could or would you physically carry this person on your back 24 hours a day 7 days a week for he rest of your life? Well, until you forgive them, you are doing just that.

Get the load off, drop it like a cancer that is eating you up, because this person is. And if you don't feel like forgiving them, well guess what, ask God for the forgiveness to forgive them. It is when we are weak that His strength is made evident. And He will give it to you.

Now ask God to give you peace. He is our comforter.

But what purpose has this served. Well, that is up to you. You can go on with life. Chances are that sooner or later you will be able to use what happened to you to help someone else. Someone will say no one understands what they are going through and you will be able to say oh yes I do. Let them know you do understand, and help them.

Now we told you in our intro that we would share some of our stories with you and this is one of those times. There is a caution with this story--DO NOT do this unless you know the Lord is telling you to do it.

rECj Many years ago I was beaten severely by a boyfriend, my head was the size of a basketball. The man thought he had thrown me into water but I landed on rocks. I got up and made my way to the road and he turned around and tried to run me over with his car. A car with men and children pulled over and pulled me into their vehicle and got me to the hospital. I with the grace of God came out with no lasting injuries.

AND the rest of the story.....Years later I was to meet this man again, he was down and out, I took him to my house and fed him, and then bagged up groceries for him to take home. Shortly afterwards his father died and I was there holding his hand through the services. He asked me how can you do this after what I did to you. It opened the door for me to tell him why I was able to. Now I don't know what happened to him, but I do know one thing he knows about Jesus.

God can give you peace about anything, He is our Father, our Healer, our Comforter, our Friend and He never leaves us or forsakes us. We urge you to let go of the past whatever it is and go forth in Christ.

LJG I too know what it is like to be beat by a man. Never to the extend of my sweet rECj. But in the head and back. It hurt. Oh yea it did. I can't imagine what rECj went thru but in my own way I went thru a lot of pain as well. For years I thought about this part of my life. Yes, I was out of the will of God. I am a firm believer in PRAY. My prayers weren't getting answered and I complained to God about this many times. Then one day He spoke to me and showed me where I was wrong. I had not forgiven this man for his actions. It still took me a few more years to be able to forgive. But I did. And yes, my prayers started getting answered once again. It took me longer to forgive myself. Give it a try. It really does work.

As always we are here for you, God bless and keep you growing rECj/LJG

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sun, 23 Jul, 2006 FAMILY

'Family is the anchor, keeping us grounded, supporting us, and allowing us to stay focused. A healthy family sustains us while giving meaning to our endeavors.' T. D. Jakes*


Okay lets be honest he did say a healthy family. Only most of us don't know what that is. We might have been raised in one but even then it was probably not our birth parents. So what do we do, to whom do we turn to. Who do we carry on conversations with about our hopes and dreams and goals.

Yes, most assuredly God is there and He hears us and He talks to us and that is the most important thing. Whom though do we turn to, that we can trust to go to, about the important issues in our life's. This is not easy and we have to be careful, the wrong person can turn our goals into mud. We need someone that we can go to that will listen, will comfort, and encourage us in our life's plans.

This is where you have to stop, look, and listen. If you do not feel comfortable talking to your Pastor, well you are in the wrong church. Your Pastor is supposed to be someone you can talk to and ask questions of. He is supposed to be there for his congregation. Your church members are supposed to be your church family. Oh yes, you will find a Uncle Bill there who is going to talk about anything he hears, and Sally well we don't want to talk, but she has more problems then I do.

But if you take your time you will develop relationships and you will find the Granny or in my case it was an Aunt Helen who will be there for you 24/7. What we loved about Aunt Helen is you could tell her anything and she gave the best advise, you never heard her repeat anything. It was only years later we learned she had memory lost, so as soon as you walked away she forgot the conversation.

The point is if you take your time you can find that extended family that will be closer then blood relations. We are a part of God's family and just as we have many different personalities, you will find someone that you can bond with, just take it slow.

Until God blesses you with that family we are here for you, ask any question and we will answer you. And even if you have that family sometimes we have questions that we are uncomfortable telling someone we know, we are here for you. Maybe you are just lonely or dissatisfied with the answers that have been given to you. Then go ahead and write us. Now, please understand, we don't have all the answers, but we know that God's word, the BIBLE DOES. That is where we go to for our answers and relief from the stresses of life. GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU, rECJ/LJG

*T. D. Jakes is preacher, author, motivator, and entrepreneur. This quote is from his book 'The Great Investment.' In it he explains how the triad of faith, family and finance is the cornerstone of a life of moral success--success based on God's plan.

Family is supposed to be what keeps us grounded, being there for us all the time through the good and the bad. Family is who upholds us while giving meaning to our efforts.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Sat, 22 Jul 2006 GOD'S WILL

Matthew 7:7-8; Hebrews 11:6; Colossians 3:1

Letting go and letting God do His thing at times can be easy, at other times it can be very hard. It is easy to pray Lord let my child be saved, but not want to watch them get to the point where they will turn to Him and be saved.

God knows exactly what it will take for a person to turn to Him. It is kind of like a alcoholic, they have to hit bottom to want to quit. What is one person's bottom is not another's. But what ever the bottom is they come to the point where they let go.

Anything we can think of God has something bigger and better in mind. We have to learn to step back and say Your will not mine. If we are praying our will, we will have a lot of unanswered prayer, or even worst prayers that we thought God answered that put us in the middle of a big mess.

Lets say you fall in love with this house and you PRAY and every time something tries to stop you, well you just push on. Finally you get the house. To begin with you need to remodel because you wanted this room bigger, and more baths and then it rains and the yard floods every time, sometime into the house. God did not have His will, you had yours.

Now you see this house and you pray and God says NO, so you tell the Lord well my heart was for it but if you say No then no it shall be. Finally when you think you can look no more you turn a corner one day and there it is your house, it couldn't match you better if you drew the blueprint yourself. You pray and God says yes, oh things might go wrong like the bank turns you down, but you know what God said, so you go to another bank and you get a lower rate.
Remember when you pray to put your petitions before the Lord and then say Your will, not mine. God desires for His children to be blessed but He can pick better than us.

I am reminded of a young lady who just had to marry this one man. After she married him, she prayed for God to change him. Well, if she would have prayed and asked God in the beginning she might have known he was not going to change. In fact the nice man down the street who has a good job, loves the Lord, and believes in being a good husband to his wife was who God had picked for her, but she had to have it her way, In case you are wondering God blessed the man with a good Godly woman. Let Go and let God, you will be much happier in the long run. We are yours in Christ rECj/LJG

We will write more later on picking a good man, so watch for it. In the future we will be changing the format, working with a few new things so be on the look out for them. LJG and rECj

And as always we want nothing from you, except for you to grow and have a deeper relationship with the Lord. God's Peace and Grace be with you.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Fri, 21 Jul 2006


1 Tim. 3:18, Prov. 3:12,

We had an interesting discussion going on at the house today. Then a young lady made a statement that she felt was true and I knew to be false. I told her she was incorrect and she began to tell me why she felt she was right. I listened to her explain her view. When she finished I went and got my Bible and handed it to her on the page talking about what she was saying. She got quite and seemed a little hurt, because she really believed what she was saying.

I let her see for herself, she is young in the Lord and was standing strong in her belief. We are never to correct someone in a way that will embarrass them. There is a right and wrong way. We were in my home with only one other person present. But we are to correct each other just as God will correct us.

I thank God for correction, it is His way of letting me know when I am wrong. Correction given and taken the right way strengthens a person. It does not pull you down.

I cannot stress enough to not take a man's word for God's Word. God will confirm His Word to you. The best way though is to listen, take notes, go study, and pray about it, it could be church, a convention, or a prayer meeting. Listen, take notes, and study and pray. And when you are corrected thank God for it, He wants You to know His Word, the true Word of God.

Welcome it, ask for it, it will be worth it.

As always we love you in Christ, rECJ/LJG


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Thu, 20 Jul 2006


John 6:6

Our desire is to live for Jesus.

Oh, WOW that sure sounds like a lot of exciting fun. Well it is. Jesus was followed by a lot of sinners. They were excited enough to leave jobs, homes and family. Why? Because of the gift that He offered to all who followed HIM.

Eternal life.

Many people think that if you belong to God, life is always down in other words boring. They simply do not understand the path we follow. We are happy, enjoy fun things, and enjoy life to the fullest, overflowing.

Yes, we get excited when good things happen to us and to others. We also feel pain and hurt when bad things happen and they do. But we look to God to prove Himself and that is what it's all about. "PROVE" God's Word. We know that He is going to take care of everthing. As always we pray that each one that visits this site is touched in someway. We desire for you to know the Lord in a deeper way, to have a relationship with Him.

Yours in Christ, LJG/rECj

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wed, 19 Jul 2006


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Matthew 2:6,30-34

Today I write about the lesson I am learning right now. Neither LJG or rECj is without fault. We are just like you. We live life one day at a time making mistakes and learning from them. The reason for this site and these writings is for you to know that you are not alone. Whether you have known the Lord for years or are new to Christ you must learn to grow.

Yesterday I woke up to a beautiful day filled with love for anyone that came my way. Things where looking up for us, and finally making headway out of a valley we had been traveling. It really doesn't matter what that valley was because we all travel them, but to help you understand I will explain a little.

My daughter and I with her 3 year old son live together. Things have been tight money wise. Until a couple of weeks ago we had both been out of work. The motor in her car blew up, and all the bills where past due. I am starting up my own business so I can be home with him and my daughter was looking for work. Finally a job. The bills are mostly caught up we are getting there. Well, someone was watching and he didn't want us to prosper so he struck, my daughters check was short, and we owed more money then she had. On top of everything the landlord says you are evicted. I sat down in a chair and all I could say was Lord I know to rejoice in everything but right now I find it very hard, but I know You have a plan.

Within 1 hour, yes, 1 hour, the landlord had money in his hand. People we owed money to said don't worry forget it and the fridge note that was due, well someone else said I have one for you. All this in 1 hour.

See God knew the devil would attack, we could have missed a blessing if we would have reacted differently. I was honest with God I did not go by my emotions, I told Him I know You have a plan. What that plan was I had no idea but I knew whatever He had was better and bigger then anything I had.

The devil is looking for a way to attack us but he cannot touch us. It is like the bully at school who is all talk but the minute anyone stands up to him he runs away. God tells us that, the devil has to flee. There have been times in my life when I didn't react the right way and fell on my face, but I pulled myself up. And if I slip tomorrow well I repent and get up. Life is learning and it never stops. But as you learn you grow.

The Bible says that if we will praise the Lord He will supply all our needs. Thank about that for a little bit. God cannot lie, if we praise Him He will take care of everything we need. We need a job, He will provide; we need food, he says He feeds the sparrows how much more will He provide for us; we need a Word from Him, a stranger will tell it to you; God is a provider. He will take care of us, if we will let Him.

Just for today every time you thank about it say Thank You Lord for_________, and fill in the blank with something that you see. Look up Thank You Lord for the sky, He did make it for us to enjoy, even rain storms are beautiful. Thank you Lord for that flower it is beautiful. Thank You Lord for the sun, the moon. Just Thank Him for something that is there that He made. The laughter of children, look for the beautiful things and if something ugly walks up turn and look for something good. It might be no more then the view out of a hospital window but look and you will find it.

We love each one of you so much. I hope that my little story will in some way touch you and inspire you to not give up. It does not matter what life will throw at you, God is stronger then it and bigger and better. If you have a problem that you don't know how to deal with ask us and we will help. We have been there and done that and here we are still alive and more then surviving. We are heirs to the throne of the One and Only Living God Almighty.

Rejoice with us, we are alive in Christ. rECj/LJG

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tue, 18 Jul 2006


Is that a state that people want to be in? Do you like to be in a constant state of confusion? Have you ever wondered why everything that started out so sweet and wonderful ended up in pure torment? We call it "one of those days." But then we realize that "one of those days" have turned into weeks, then years. We can't understand why.

In 1 Corn. 14:33. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." And in James 3:16, For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.

AhhHa. There's our answer. Do we heed these two scriptures? Most of us don't. We are constantly asking God, "Why are You letting all this fall on me?" Yes, we have trails and tribulations but that is just between God and us. Doesn't necessarily fall on all those around us. Confusion effects everybody in our household. How about stopping, take a step backwards, regroup and say "wait a minute, this isn't right." It would only take a minute of our time to do this and then we wouldn't have the confusion, hurt feelings, and one trying to control the other.

I am guilty of this, as most of us are. We just have to go head long on into it no matter what. We know that we are the only one that could possibly be right. Oh yea? God is the only ONE who is RIGHT. God has given us the insight to put a stop to it by simply saying, "get thee behind me satan." It is up to us to use or not to use. People let themselves get into situations, most of their own making, for reasons that they only can understand. So when it catches up to them, and others try to help it gets out of control and then there is the confusion again.

One person can try to make another see their point of view only, not taking into consideration of the others reason's or feelings. These people, well, some of them anyway, will admit when another is right. You know, maybe this whole confusion things, just boils down to one thing: CONTROL. I am a control freak. Always have been, no, not always only since I was 24/25 years old. But I am sure the seed had to be there in me from the beginning of my life. I am working on turning this over to God. But you know, if it makes others feel good to have control and confusion, then let them. Our goal is to love them no matter what.

Oh yes it is hard sometimes but that is what we have instructed to do. What does it matter if we are loved? It is more important that we love. By loving we are obeying the greatest commandment given by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So, when you feel the confusion/control coming on you, take just a minute to stop and pray. Ask God how He really wants you to handle this situation. We ask not only God, but the loved ones and the others that are outside our loved ones to please forgive us our faults and to remember you can't get into heaven if forgiveness for others isn't in your heart.

In God's love we are, rECj/LJG

Monday, July 17, 2006

Mon, 17 Jul 2006


MATTHEW 13:7, MATTHEW 13:22, GENESIS 3:18, ISAIAH 35:13, JOHN 19:2, ISAIAH 33:113-115, HOSEA 2:6, PROVERBS 24:30-34,PROVERBS 26:9, MATTHEW 7:15-20, 2 CORINTHIANS 12:7-10

I was led to look these scriptures, not for me alone but for you as well. Usually when one is learning or growing in an area so are others that are close. So where are we and what are we thinking?

HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR ME 2 COR. We are weak but He is strong. We might become haughty if not for our thorns. The thorns are what keep us in the Word and searching after His grace. He has already forgiven me, so I don't have to worry about that. So, we have thorns, can we remove them? Can we undo what we already done?

Not in this life time or any life time. We don't have the POWER. God says we are to live in peace with all men as much as possible. Is it possible with all men? Not hardly. There are a lot of fools out there. Are all men going to accept us for what we are, who we are, and for whom we believe in? Not ever.

We are to throw the seeds out there and then walk away. Does that mean we shouldn't have our say? Personally we don't think so. How do we plant the seed if we don't plant the Word of God? Yes, the Words, in our case, would be from God. But these Words/Seeds will not be accepted with a lot of people. We are called freaks, hypocrites and many other unkind words. In truth they are the freaks and hypocrites. We are out there planting the seeds that they are mocking, laughing at and cussing us, for doing so. Who knows there may be some good ground for one seed to fall into and grow and take over.

We also have to remember that God's Spirit doesn't always dwell with people and it may be to late for the one person, but who knows who was listening when we were planting the seed. That could be the good ground that the seed was indeed intended to fall on.

In Philippians 4:11 Paul sys, 'Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.' Again in 1 Timothy 6:6 he states: 'But Godliness with contentment is great gain.' Are we content? No, of course not. Should we be? Yes, according to God's Word. Then why are we not content? Do we want to be where we are? Nope. We want to go on to bigger and better things. Is it our time to go on? No. Then when will it be time?

In God's time. His time and our time are not the same thing. One day for Him is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. Then we not being content is because we won't take His Word on the subject into our hearts and be content where we are right now. So right now the thorn in our flesh is our un-contentment.