Thursday, August 31, 2006


You have to be an awesome God
to love me in spite of me
You have to be an Forgiving God
to forgive me in spite of me
You are, there is no way else
I can say it You Are
Everything, what more do I need---

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


2 Cor 6:2, 2 Tim 3:1, 2 Pet 3:3, Eph 5:16, Heb 11:10, Heb 11: 13-16, Acts 14:15-17, Ec 3:1-8 & 17

We have been told when we write it isn't to be more than 3 1/2 minutes long in words.That is the length of a persons attention span. OK then, let me ask you many minutes do we spend reading our favorite books, magazines, talking on the phone, the computer, watching TV, a movie, cooking or taking a bath. To mention just a few of the things we do on a daily bases.

Can we honestly say that when we are doing any of the above we will say, "ok my 3 1/2 minutes are up and I have to stop now. Attention span is over." I don't think so.

We probably don't have time to read the above scriptures either.

All I can say is that we aren't spending a lot of time reading our Bibles. Could that be because it isn't one of our favorite Books?

I have to stop now. Time is up. Not very interesting is it?

God's blessing to each of you,


Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Your Word comes to life
as I speak it out loud
Your Word as I read it
comes to life
You are the Word
the Word is You
My Lord Jesus Christ
your promises I speak
Life comes into Your word
Your promises with faith
become life
As I speak Your Word
my soul takes wings
and flies
Your Word is my life
My life is Your Word


Monday, August 28, 2006


"It is true that without faith it is impossible to please Me, but I am so anxious to reward you with blessing, I'm even willing to supply the faith you lack Ask Me, My child! Ask Me for what you lack! I am the only One who can help you overcome your unbelief." Luke 9:37-45How wonderful to know, realize and accept the fact that Jesus does in fact have a answer for everything in our lives. Even to supplying us with the faith to believe in Him and His Word.
There is nothing He will not provide for us if we ask.

Today my grandson brought to mind a teaching from my Dad. M was playing with my angels and began to sit them on top of my Bible. My Dad had raised us that to sit something on the Bible was wrong. He said if you sit first one thing and then another soon you won't be able to find it. This is true with spiritual things as well as material things. Do not put anything on {ahead} of the Bible, the Written Word of God. This is why we are told to hide it in our hearts.
When I told M not to sit the angels there he asked why to which I replied 'This is Jesus's Word." He looked at me with the innocents of a 4 year old and said "That's Jesus!" Well that was good enough for him and for me. Because when I read His Words they become alive to me.

Oh how blessed we are that we can read and study and grow with His Word: and if we don't understand we can ask.

Jesus loves for us to ask, He wants us to know Him and have a relationship with Him. Jesus is willing to show Himself to us, as He is for us to show ourselves to Him.

We are yours in Christ


Friday, August 25, 2006


I am so glad to be back. I missed writing each day. LJG though has done such a wonderful job I thank God for her each day, she has a great talent and I would be lost without her, she completes me.As she mentioned we will in the upcoming weeks be making some changes to the site with a fresh format. We hope that it will be as refreshing and alive as it is to us in these stages of preparedness.

To share with you a little we will be changing to a weekly format. It will be more detailed and more teaching, though the usual column will be the vocal point of that week's study. We will also go back to past columns and expand them. In the near future we will also be starting a study of the Book of Romans, so if you like take the time to read it through now.

As in past columns we have shared some of our personal life's. This to let you know we are human. As for my time away from the site, it started with the death of my birth mother. This is a issue we will talk on in a future column, including adoption, parents giving up children for no apparent reason the pain of not knowing parents or having a relationship with them. Just as I picked myself up I was attacked with health problems, and yes we will address healing also. Then another death and the phone rang with yet another and another. Most assuredly we will address death and the pain it can bring. There is a list of things that attacked me through the month more health problems another death, the list could go on. I will end with a cliff hanger and then there was the snake.

Sounds like a war story but through it all I said Lord what do I learn from this and this . Don't get me wrong, I asked once: I understand now can we stop already. But growth is painful. God has used this for me to reach out to a number of people that otherwise I wouldn't have. And I give glory to the Lord for in spite of all the bad the God News of Christ Jesus overpowers the bad. My daughter received a big job promotion, we where blessed going out and coming in.

It does not matter how bad things seem I have Victory in Jesus. So please don't think you are beat because you are attacked, you will survive and be stronger for it.

As always we are your servants in Christ,


Thursday, August 24, 2006


Yesterday's column brought this to mind and I wanted to share my thoughts with all of you and as I share my thoughts, we want you to share yours with us.

It touched my heart and brought back all the pain and agony He had to go thru for us. It is my opinion that when we doubt or don't claim all that He has for us, we are putting Him right back on that cross. I am guilty of the doubts that come to mind and then I think, Oh no, get down, get down, I am so sorry. I can't even begin to think of the pain of having the flesh cut right off you and just hangin on by a thread. Then to think He did that for me. We have to become "as children" to enter into the Gates of Heaven. I can't help but wonder, and now think about this, you know the struggle you have with our M and I can remember them with my children, then when we don't do what He has told us to do, think how He feels about our fighting against Him. Oh, we do that some many times during the seconds of each day. But, then think about His forgiveness. Just like when our children tell us they are sorry, we tell them it is alright, we forgive them, BUT can we, like Jesus, truly forget? No, I don't think we do, not completely. We have to strive to become acceptable and how hard it is sometimes. Especially, when we are tired of it all. Think also, about the whinnying we have heard and still hear sometimes for our loved ones. Don't it work on our last nerve? What and how on earth or in Heaven can He stand it? We are His whinnying children and He loves, forgets, forgives and accepts us in ways that we can never comprehend. That is why I keep proclaiming HE IS THE GREATEST. He is my first love. I know there are people who don't believe me, but they can't see or know what is my heart. All they can see are my faults. He doesn't feel or see that things that way. That is why I am so looking forward to the study of Romans. It will show us just some of the ways of His Greatness and ability to take care of us.

I wrote this piece while sitting here one day talking to Jesus and He showed me, Yes, I really was a man in the flesh. I sat there thinking just how painful that beating had to be and the words flowed out of me onto paper. God truly did love us so much to give his son and Jesus loved us to have taken that beating and then step into hell for us to have eternal life.

God can speak and things happen. He wants us to realize just how much He does love us and the choice is ours. rECj

Jesus was a man.

True, He was placed within his mama thru the Holy Ghost. He did have more love within Him than we will ever have. But, I fully believe that He felt the pain of what He was going thru and it did hurt Him. Not only His physcial body but His precious heart as well. Even tho He knew that was His lot in life, I do wonder if He really knew just how bad it all was going to hurt. Think of the disappointment to Him when those 12 weren't even able to stay awake and pray with Him. At the end, didn't He pray, If it be thou will, let this cup pass from me? Human? You bet. There is no doubt in my mind that He is the GREATEST man who has ever walked and lived on this earth, EVER.

God's blessing to each of you,


Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Matthew 1:18-25

I know that is hard to comprehend. But it is true. Jesus was a man. He had no special abilities, no staff like Moses, no prophets to give Him words of knowledge. He cried on His mothers breast just as we did. He cried over a skinned knee just as we did. And I am sure He played with His brothers and sisters. Jesus was a baby who grew to a boy who grew to become a man. What sat Jesus apart is His desire to obey God in everything. He was a man 100% after God's own heart. Yes, He was born of a virgin. Other then that His birth happened just as ours. Carried nine months and birthed into the world.

Wait a minute are you saying there is no difference between us? Well, I guess I am. What do you think?

Is it possible for you to completely walk in faith, to love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind, to obey God in every area of your life? To let God lead you and guide you every step of your way? Yes, Jesus died for us and no one needs to do that again. But He did it as a man. Jesus did not do anything else that we could not do. He said it Himself. You that come after me shall do more than me. We, to, are called to take up our cross and bear it. (Matthew 16:24; Luke 14:27)

Think on this for a while. Ponder it in your mind. Then act.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Luke, chapters 22, 23 and 24

And the lash came down
again and again
how much more could a mortal man take
again the lashes would not stop
they came and came
one after another when will it end
but they continue to fall
this man born of flesh
yes he felt every blow
did he go numb and not feel it no more

Born of a woman
for a day such as this
it was planned, had to happen
and the lashes continue to fall
knowing He had to endure
even now He held on, for He knew
as the lashes fell, that this wasn't the end
another lash and He felt
this beating the man took
the breath knocked out of Him
with each lash He endured a pause take a breath that
is full of sweat and blood
a second breath the same sweet sticky smell
finally at last the beating will end

The lashes have stopped
but the pain it goes on
one continuous throb
with stabs of much deeper pain
a pain so bad it can be no worst
when from somewhere inside
the pain rises to a even more feverish pitch

Pulled up to His feet, He braces Himself
the journeys not over, it's just began
Pick up this cross, they yell at the man
knowing to wear Him outthe faster He will be dead
He though braces Himself again
He knows where He's headed
and gladly heads there
He stumbles to many times to count
each time they will lash out and He pulls Himself upright
then it comes to a place He can no longer stand
the weight of the cross has pulled Him down again
a man from the crowd is ordered to help
carry the cross of the fallen man
together they drag that great heavy tree
till they get to the hill of Golgotha
that is to say place of a skull

They offer Him sour wine but He would not drink
nailed to the cross they did tease
and rolled lots for His clothes
waiting and watching for an end to His scorn
He cried out in a voice that shuck the world
beaten and twisted beyond what any could believe
He cried out again and gave up the ghost

But the battle was just starting
For now He would conquer the hell underneath
with no time for rest or to clean Himself up
He stepped through the gates into hell
give me the keys I have paid the price
all belongs to me now I have paid in full
for all who call on me
my Father has given into my hands
the Name above all others

He arose into heaven when three days had passed
standing in the gap for you and I
just call on the Name of the Son of God
and He will come to your aid
to hold you and keep you forever safe

All this from a man of flesh
who didn't have to be but chose to be.


Monday, August 21, 2006


II Timothy 1:9
Ephesians 2:8-10
Titus 3:5
Acts 10:34

We feel led by the Lord to do this site. it gives us a joy that we can be used by God. Reaching out to others with the peace and fulfillment that God has given us.

But know this and understand: actions such as this will not get us into heaven. The pastor who sincerely gives his life to preaching and teaching the Word does not a passport into heaven earn. Mrs. Smith down the street who reaches out with prayer and food, helping those in times of need does not get a pass for her actions. The list can go on.

Yes we are held accountable for our actions. They do not though get us into heaven. Remember when God used a donkey to speak to a man (Numbers 22:21-30). If God gives us a assignment , if we do not complete it He can raise up a rock if need be to complete the assignment.

I could speak of Billy Graham or Mother Theresa and all their selfless acts and time they have given. Without faith their actions would be dead. Faith has to be the reason. Faith in God. Not for any personal gain. If we do things for ourselves in any way we have our own reward.
One of the reasons we do not list our names is we do not want anyone to look to us and say we did it (Prov. 27:2 ). Without God we are nothing, no talent, no abilities. If someone would have told us a year ago we would be doing this, the answer would have been no way.

If you want to know more about faith just ask. Everything we speak we back up with God's Word.

Until next time In Christ Name we love you,


Sunday, August 20, 2006


Romans 12:14-16
Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.
Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.
Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.

Romans 12:3
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Galatians 6:9-10
And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not (don't give up).
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Galatians 5:26
Let us not e desirous of vain (pride) glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

Galatians 5:14-15
For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself.
But if ye bite (act like animals) and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.

Who did God and Jesus think of first?

Don't we think of ourselves first in most cases? Oh yes we do. How many times a day do we say or hear someone say "I?" How is that "I" being used?
I want...
I need...
I just have to have...
I will get even...
I will show them...
and the list could go on and on just like the scriptures go on and on to show us not to put "I" first.

For example, just this morning I was telling one of my boys, "I need some new clothes so I think I will try to get to the Salvation Army store Wednesday cause that is their half price day." That is the truth. But also is true so does he and so does his daddy. Now don't ya'll go looking down ya'll's noses at me. That is a wonderful place to shop. Try it sometime. Then you will see the goodies. Just goes to show who my mine concern is with huh? The above scriptures came to my mine shortly after I made that statement.

Shouldn't it be Jesus first, others second and then ourselves?

Think on it.

God's blessings to each of you,


Wednesday, August 16, 2006


James 3:17-18

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peace- able, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

How many of us even try to live like this scripture instructs us? Oh no we don't. There are some who do, that is very true, but the marjority of us can't even remember to be full of mercy, much less not having partiality and hypocrisy in our hearts.

Oh, we have to see just how mean and bad we can be to others. What is so said, a lot of times we do this in the name of the Lord. We all need to remember that even when they were beating Him He never fought back or said anything mean or hateful to them. We aren't ever going to have to go thru something like that, but we do go thru word battles all the time.

Let's just pray the next time we are given the choice to be full of mercy that we will remember the above scripture. Especially me.

During the next few weeks we will be doing some updating and changes to our site. We are praying that ya'll will bare with us through this time.

Please remember we welcome your thoughts and comments. Any comments left on this site will be promptly answered by us.

Thank you for visiting our site.

God's blessings on each of you,


Tuesday, August 15, 2006


rECj is a little under the weather right now. She will be back soon. There has been so much going on here that I just haven't taken the time to write. Things are getting better so....

I probably lead the parade in not taking the time to think through how my actions will and does affect those I love most in this world. Not to mention my friends. How many times do we just think whatever we do is for the good of all concerned? Or really we just think about ourselves. That is exactly what we do when we don't think it through.

Couldn't we say that we are selfish? Of course we would. Not thinking how it is going to be later on down the road, is a very selfish act. I know that better than anyone. Sometimes it cases such a break in the family that it simply can't be overcome. It is always just underneath the surface.

For some of us it is too late to make amends for our wrongs. I am praying that we will start to think through our thoughts and action before putting feet to them. Think about others first then ourselves and we will get along a whole lot better.

God's blessings on each of you,


Saturday, August 12, 2006


Oh how sorry we are for those who are blind and can't see. But, how about the ones who can see, yet are blind? Blind to those around them. Blind to the feelings of others. Blind to those who don't think and see things they way they see them.

God made us as we are. In His image. Yet, some have a bad habit of thinking that they are the only ones that could ever be right. God let each of us have the freedom of thinking which should be as long as it is in His will. None of us do His thinking all the time. We are human after all. He knew that when He created us way back when. We really would be a bunch of boring people if He had created us all alike.

He knew what He was doing. Do we know what we are doing and who we are hurting? How many people did He hurt.

Is our blindness one of the reasons people really don't want to be around?

God's blessings to each of you,


Friday, August 11, 2006


I hope ya'll are having an easier time guarding your mouth than I am. At least am I am realizing that I'm not and immediately say I'm sorry. Ever been browsing thru the Bible and come across a passage that really touches your heart? Really felt that it was meant just for you? That is what Mathew 5:21-26 is to me. There has been overs, but when you feel condemned what you are doing wrong, that is one of God's way of speaking to us.

Nope, we don't always listen. We just have to go on our merry way and do it our way. Then we wonder why we have so many problems in our lives. Wouldn't it be a whole lot easier to just PRAY? I think sometimes that is where and why we fail so often. If we are going to use our mouth anyway why not use it for praying? Don't you think that would be the best way of making sure we do guard our mouth?

A lot of us only pray at night, like we were raised to do. But in Thess. we are told to "pray without ceasing." To me that means we are to pray all the time. How can we pray without being on our knees? It doesn't say we have to be on our knees all the time. There are a lot of disabled that can't get on their knees. Does that mean their prayers aren't going to get outside of their house? Of course it doesn't. God hears and answers when we obey.

When people see our lips moving and can't see the person with us, they think, boy is she crazy. Why should we care? We are never alone and that means that God is always hearing our thoughts. OK, you don't feel comfortable moving your lips when you are alone, then use your mind. He is going to hear us no matter which way we pray.

Well, I will keep on working on my mouth and hope ya'll do the same.

God's blessings to each of you,


Thursday, August 10, 2006


Matthew 5:21-26

"You have heard that it was said to the men of old, 'You shall not kill; and whoever kills shall be liable to judgment.' But I say to you that every one who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother shall be liable to the council, and whoever says, 'You fool!' shall be liable to the hell of fire. So if you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Make friends quickly with your accuser, while you are going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison; truly, I say to you, you will never get out till you have paid the last penny."

I know what you are can he pay the first penny much less the last when he is locked in a jail house?

Think on this for a minute...aren't we in reality, locked in a jailhouse with our anger? We have the right be angry as long as we don't let the sun go down on the anger. I don't always follow what I am told to do either. The sun has gone down too many times with my anger still raging. No, of course, that don't mean I am right. I am certainly in the wrong here.

The instructions in the Bible is for every believer. I've been told that depression is anger turned inside. Is that true? I have no idea. My anger don't stay turned inside and that isn't Godly at all.

How many people are we still angry with at this time? What has all this anger helped in any given situation? Well, I just don't know. It has broken up families, friends and loved ones. Even those who would have been a good friend. We will never know. Does it really make us feel good or happy? Don't we always have an excuse as to why we won't get over it? Like maybe, they over stepped their authority or they started it.

Is this what God really wants from this children? All we have to do is look at the scripture above and we are told that it isn't. What are we going to do about getting rid of the anger? Are we going to let it continue or are we willing to obey what our Father has told us we should do? Again, the choice is ours.

Let us pray that God will continue to show us the way out of the mud hole that we find ourselves in. Then maybe we will be able to see that this could be the cause of all the troubles we are encountering in our lives.

God's blessing to each of you,


Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Matthew 12:36-37 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.

Now that scripture is kinda scary. At least to me it is anyway. I have said so many idle words during my lifetime. Oh, what a shame that I didn't keep my mouth closed so many times. Have you ever said something that you really didn't mean and then wished you could take it back. Once it is out of our mouths it is to late. The hurt has already been done.

I can be so hateful sometimes. I don't even mean to most of the time. I just don't think before I speak. Now that God has brought that scripture home to me, I am going to really try to guard my mouth more closely. Oh what trouble such a small part of our body can cause.

Let's make a promise to ourselves that we will guard our words more carefully in the future.

God's blessings to each of you,


Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Isaiah 43:24b-26

25: I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; And I will not remember your sins.

26: Put me in remembrance; Let us contend together; State your case, that you may be acquitted.

Am I getting this right, God blots out our sin for His own sake because He is unable to look on sin. And because He wants us to be able to come into His presence, He is doing it for Himself. That is also why He cannot remember our sins because to do so is to look on them. Then He goes on to say remember Him and let us contend together, state your case that we might be acquitted. So He wants the lines of communication open between us, this is what happened when He was asked to not destroy Sodom and Gomorra? When Moses questioned Him about the children of Israel. We are to come before Him boldly and present our case, God does not want timid little children running around, He wants children who believe in Him and are willing and able to say okay God what is this. It doesn't mean He will stop what He plans to do but He honestly cares about our feelings and is willing to let us talk to Him and He might even change the way He is doing something, if we go boldly before Him and explain why. Of course it has to line up with His Word.

I am remembering a few times when I was in a real battle and I was so tired I asked Him could You let me have a few days of peace to strengthen myself and then we can go on. And each time I would have two or three days were nothing went wrong and then when I was rested and refreshed It would start again.

God's blessings to each of you,


Monday, August 07, 2006


Jesus came to die for us so that we might be saved. He took all the sin that was or ever will be around His body. He also is a just and righteous God who not only forgives but forgets. We do harm to ourselves when we don't forgive ourselves, it is the same as in the testament days when if you killed someone you had the dead person tied to your body and you carried this rotting body around until it in turned killed you because of the rotting flesh.

What would it be like if God forgave but didn't forget? He knows the harm that comes from carrying it around it would make Jesus' death if not useless, halfway and God completes what He starts. So to forgive He has to forget. And the same is true of us, if we do not forgive and forget we are saying God did not do a complete act with Jesus which we know is an untruth. Without the act of forgetting Jesus would be unable to go before God since sin cannot go before God.

God's blessings to each of you,


Sunday, August 06, 2006


I don't get out much anymore. Partly because of a couple of thorns in my side, as Paul would say, and partly because of some of the things I have don't that I am having to pay for. Anyway, how do we witness and for whom?

In the grocery stone, how many buy beer and wine? He says not to be drunk on strong wine but to be drunk in the Holy Ghost. How many of us use filthy words? God says a tree don't bring forth good and bad fruit, a well don't give sweet and bitter water. How many of us have cross words with someone who is with us? I am so very guilty of that. How many of us are afraid to speak God's name or praise Him in public? It might offend someone. Well, let me tell you it, offends me that I am not supposed to say what is in my heart. Does that mean we are ashamed of Him? Then He is going to be ashamed of us before His Father which is in Heaven.

Sunday morning our neighbors seeing us, Bibles in hand, going to Church. Sunday afternoon they see some with a can of beer in their hand after having finished mowing the grass. Hear the cussing coming for our mouths, hear the yelling we are doing, reckon they are thinking you love the Lord?

I am working on the yelling and harsh words. What are ya'll working on?

God's blessings to each of you,


Saturday, August 05, 2006


I Pet 2:1; Colossians 3:8, 12-14, 25

Who do we blame for all the troubles in our lives? Past and present and probably the future as well? How easy it is to believe every thing one person says, not taking into consideration that there is always two sides to every story. It does take 2 people to make a mess of things It is never just one persons fault but yet we can't seem to let go of the fact that the one is always right. Which, of course, means the other is always wrong. Is that how you feel?

Sometimes it is so hard to remember that we have our faults. It is so easy to what others do wrong but it seems that we can't see beyond our nose with it come to laying the blame. It seems we feel we are blameless. I'm not. I see only black and white, there is no gray area for me. It is either right or wrong. No in between. Oh yes, I am set in my ways all right. That was the way I was raised.

rECj wrote once that we should take a pen and paper and take a long, hard, good look at ourselves and write down the good and bad. That's not easy to do. Why? Because we don't want to see us for what we really are. A sinner saved by the Grace of God. Nothing more, nothing less. There are like Jesus said many that cry Lord, Lord. His answer is depart from me ye workers of iniquities. I never knew you. Anyway, I did as she asked, this is what I came up with,
I love God
I love my children and grandchildren
I love to cook and bake
I love to wash clothes
I am good at keeping secrets
Yep, that's it. Now, as to the bad in me. Well, we just don't have the room or time for all them. I say what I mean and mean what I say. Once I think I am right there is no turning back for me. But, you know I don't have a problem with admitting I used to place the blame on others as well. Not anymore. I left the path that I was raised to follow. No one made me do it. I choose to do so. I even blamed God for many years for taking my daddy when I was 3 years old. I have been shown by God that it was for my own good that He took daddy. No more blame there.

My brother in law says that I shouldn't be so subtle which is saying that I am too out spoken. Oh yea I am. If I think it I usually say it. Which is not always the right way to do. Then I have to go repent. I sometimes wonder how God has time for anyone else. I take up so much of His time asking for forgiveness. He grants it to me. If only it was that easy with people.

Please, lets just a minute the next time we catch ourselves saying or doing something to blame others, to look at us and see what part we played in the misery we find ourselves. Also, remember the very thing you blame or see fault in others will come home to roost and you will exactly how they felt. Believe it or not. It is up to ya.

Lets don't be afraid to be the first to say, "I'm sorry or please forgive me." But, only if we are sincere. It really don't matter who was wrong, we are still guilty for our part in the miseries that surround us. I know I am to blame for all those around me.

Jesus is Love, He commanded us to love. Love as He does and He will be happy with us. That is what is important. Living for Him.

God's blessings to each of you,


Friday, August 04, 2006


1 Thes. 5:15; Titus 3:2; Romans 12:21

Sounds easy huh? It isn't. How many times do we find ourselves repaying evil with evil? How many times do we find ourselves lashing out at others with evil words? It is only natural that we do that. It is just as easy for us as breathing. But, here is the question that is foremost on my mind...does it really help us feel better? Do we really and truely deep down inside ourselves feel better?

Our first natural response when we are hurt is to think, "Boy, I'll show them." Do we really show them? Not according the above scriptures plus many more. We actually hurt ourselves more than them. We don't know what kinds of hurt and pain they have been thru or are going thru at this time.

Where does these kinds of responses put us with God? How would God want us to handle the evil for evil response? Do we ever ask Him? Not at the time we are responding, maye we do afterwards. But don't we feel good about ourselves that we could do this to someone else? We have to tell everyone how 'we showed them.'

In Romans 2:1-9 it says that when we judge others we are condemning ourselves. We are bringing wrath and other things down on us. How does this tie in with speaking evil words? Well, just think about this. Why are we using these evil words? The judge, condemn and bring others down. To reject them. To let them know that we are judging them the worst way we know how.

During the rest of our lives when hard times come to visit us and it seems we can never get ahead and everything is falling down around you, take a minute and think on these scriptures. I know I am.

So in the end, at the time of judgement before God, we will be reminded of our evil words and our judgement of others. Hopefully by then we will have ask for and been granted forgiveness.

God's blessings to each of you,


Thursday, August 03, 2006


What do we do when we can't seem to find the words to say to others? Even sometimes to ourselves. Why aren't they there? Why can't someone help us? Some of us turn to God and start praying and asking for the answers. Some turn to drinking and drugs. That answer is really no answer at all. All that does is take your money, gives you a high for a little while and then you need more money to get more with. Never ending circle. That seems like the life. Well, let me tell you it ain't. How many people have been hurt along the road that you are traveling? What we do not only affects us but others around us. Mainly our loved ones and close friends.

No, I am not going to get started on that subject. Our main object here is to let others know that even God's people do dumb, hurtful and mean spirited things as well.

I know from personal experience that a lot, maybe even more than a lot, that I did in my life, even though I thought it was right was only wrong. I hurt the very ones that I loved the most in the world. I honestly didn't realize that I was doing this. I have asked for and been granted forgiveness from most of them. Those I can remember anyway. But the hurt runs so deep that it can't be forgotten, must less forgiven. I understand that now.

We will reap what we sow. How true those words are.

Now it is my turn to reap the same things that I sowed. The loneliness, the hurt, the mean spiritedness and most of all the rejection. Even though rejection was not my intent that is what it turned out to be.

We can't go back and change the past. All we can do is do what is right for this day. Tomorrow isn't promised to us by God. We only have the now. Lets try to make it a now for God. I know God has forgiven me. Now I need to forgive myself. Ain't as easy as it sounds.

The only one I can blame for all that I am reaping is MYSELF. In time, His time, I know that forgiveness can and will be done. The one who did the original hurting ends up hurting the most. They have lost everything.

Please remember that when I say these three little words, 'I LOVE YOU' it comes from the very deepest part of my heart and soul.

God's blessings to each of you,


Wednesday, August 02, 2006




Our knight in shining armor has fallen
He has gone home to be with the Lord
For a while we shall not see him, for awhile
Then on horseback he shallride again
And we shall ride with him
In heaven there is no marriage
Nor any given in marriage
So there we will meet again
As brother and sisters we shall ride
We shall walk beside the waters
And laugh and be happy
All sorrow done away

Our knight in shining armor
Whom God used to bring us together
Did not know ever just how the Lord used him
We know and thank our Jesus
For what Your hands did do
In bringing the three of us together
Lord we ask that you show him
Just what part he played
In taking the messes we all made
And bringing life out of it
Rest in peace OUR TED
Tomorrow is but a breath away
And we shal ride with you in Glory Land
With Jesus by our sides.

Friday evening, July 28, 2006 Teddy [Ted] Eugene Carter, Sr. passed away after a strong battle. He believed until the end that he was healed, standing on the true Word of God.

He is survived by three wonderful children, Ted Carter, Jr and wife Beth, son John Everette and Kerri and Jason Ramirez. Daughter Joyce Carter Chalker, husband Donald, 2 daughters, Hannah and Reahan; Daughter Lora Carter Barone, husband Carmine, daughters, Brandy, Jessica and Kassandria. His loving wife of 30 years, Delon, daughter, Linda Dean Terrell and husband, Donald, son Michael Dean and wife Karen. Sisters, Virginia and husband Cecil Smith, Alma and husband B. W. Dees, Brothers, Jack and wife, Flora Carter, Alvin and wife Jean Carter. His parents, John and Jennie Barber Carter and sister Mary Murphy predeceased him. He is also survived many family members including three aunts, man nieces and nephews and cousins. He is also leaves to mourn him two very special ladies who he brought together that loved him then and still do. His first wife Linda Griffis [the mother of his three children] and his niece, Rose [Peanut] Carter Jones.

Lord, we thank You for the time we had him, and ask that you give understanding to those whom do no understand that we need to mourn the passing of our knight.

Ted Carter Sr.

CARTER - Ted Sr., 67, passed away July 28, 2006.Quinn-Shalz, A Family Funeral Home & Cremation Centre Published in the Florida Times-Union on 8/1/2006

Ted E. Carter Sr.

CARTER Ted E. Carter Sr., age 67, of Neptune Beach, passed away unexpectedly on July 28, 2006, with his family by his side. A native of Jacksonville, Ted was retired from the automotive industry where hewas employed for many years as a salesman and later as management with the Coggin Companies and the former Parrish Volvo. Ted was a member of the Masons, an avid bowler, baseball fan, motorcyclist, and crossword enthusiast. Ted was a very respected man and will be greatly missed by many. Ted recently renewed his vows to celebrate his 30th year of marriage to his wife, DeLon Carter. Family members include his loving wife, DeLon; his children, Michael Dean (Karen), Linda D. Terrell (Donald), Ted E. Carter Jr. (Beth), Joy Carter Chalker (Donald), Lora Carter Barone (Carmine); siblings, James Alvin Carter (Jean), Jack Carter (Flora), Alma Carter Dees (B.W.), Virginia Smith (Cecil); grandchildren, Kerri Ramirez, Jason Ramirez, Brandy Barone, Jessica Barone, Kassandra Barone, Hannah Chalker, Reghan Chalker, John E. Carter; and many nieces and nephews. Ted is predeceased by his sister, Mary Murphy. Visitation will be held from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. TODAY , Tuesday, August 1st in the chapel of Quinn-Shalz, A Family Funeral Home. Funeral service will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 2, 2006, in the funeral home with the Rev. Dr. Gabe Goodman officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred to Dreams Come True of Jacksonville,6803 Southpoint Pkwy, Jacksonville, FL 32216. Services under the direction and care of Please Sign the Guestbook @


Friday July 2006


I can never get over the fact of what it took for me to be where I am at a certain tome to meet someone at just the right moment to get or receive a Word from God. Even this site is one of those God had to have His hand in for it to happen the way it did. Situations.

We go through life and see and hear all the time of unusual things taking place. There is a car wreck and this doctor who never traveled this route just happened to e behind the cars and saved life. The young lady who got shot in the neck, the bullet fragmented into pieces but still went in -- between her spinal column and her jugular vein. We all know stories like these and we hear people say how lucky or the hand of God had to be there. Well, I do not believe in luck. I BELIEVE IN GOD.

God is active and busy each moment of our life. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. But what does it take for us to be there at the right moment saying and doing the right thing. What if the doctor had not followed the urge to go that way that morning? What if the young lady had been even a centimeter different in the placement of her body?

How then do we make sure that we are where we are supposed to be at the right moment. By starting each day with prayer, and asking God for His most perfect will in our life, asking Him to let us know the sound of His Voice. That quiet still voice that says don't turn, go straight. It is a joke some of my friends that they will not have a wreck with me in the car. Once I get out it is a different story. We have to pay heed to the Spirit and act on it. This will keep us in line with the Word that is planted inside of each of us. And get us in agreement with God.

It does cause me to tremble when I think back over all times when I was in the right place at the right time, when it wasn't where I was going to be in the beginning. But, by listening and obeying the Sweet Voice of the Holy Spirit, I was able to do what God intended for me to do.

If you do not hear God speak to you then please ask Him to let you know the sound of His voice. We have not because we ask not.

God's blessing to each of you,


Monday July 2006


Today I want to travel down an off beat path with you...I am going to describe a person and I want you to take a guess at what they do for a living.

Willing to take a risk
Willing to go against the norm
Willing to lose friends and family
Willing to serve time
Willing to put in overtime, nights and weekends
Willing to be bold
Willing to deal with the outcast of society
Willing to be woke up at all hours
Willing to be approached anywhere, even when you have plans
Willing to give up your life for your work
Willing to have/carry protection

Okay do think you have the answer? What abilities does it take to a Christian? Before I give you the answer I want you to think back to who Jesus had around Him. Oh, He did have some rich people who came to Him, and even invited Jesus to their homes. But on the whole, the people who traveled in Jesus' close circle of friends were not the cream of society. We don't wonder why this was, Jesus, Himself, told us the healthy don't need a doctor. The people who needed Him were those considered to be the sinful. We are never to judge a person by their looks, you never know who you are talking to. The abilities above might belong to any of the ones that followed Jesus.

Have you got an answer yet?

Well, they are the abilities of a drug dealer.

Hope you enjoyed this one. Take a minute to think about abilities you have that can be used for Jesus and use them for that purpose.

God's blessings to each of you,


Tuesday July 2006


Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock; and when the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon the house; and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock. Matthew 7:24-25.

And again I ask where is your house built? We are not talking about a building. We are talking about your life. What is it built on? It is important what you feed into your life, and we are not just talking food. We know to be healthy we need the eat healthy, and exercise and take care of our bodies. The same is true with what we watch, listen to and read. This is our foundation and it is what we are built on.

Have you ever watched a house be built from the ground up? First, you have to clear the land, completely. No rocks, sticks or broken glass. Then they take a bulldozer and they level the ground. Some areas might need to be built up, others need to be lowered, the ground must be level. Next they build a form around the entire area and the form itself is braced. This is so the form will not shift any when the concrete is poured. Wire is put inside the form from edge to edge; this is to insure there will be no cracks as weight is later set on the slab. Pouring concrete is messy, there is no way to do it without getting in on your clothes and your skin, and it itches. It is really fun in the summer. The concrete comes down a shoot from a truck and as it star to fill the form it has to be pushed into all the form. Men with boots on work to push and spread the concrete out while standing in concrete. Once all the concrete has been poured the real fun part starts.

First a couple of men take a board and level's the top, working from the center out. Other men are working the edges of the slab. As the concrete starts to set a machine called a trolley machine is placed on slab, there is a bucket of water usually on one arm of the machine. This is to keep the top of the slab moist as it is finished, which again is a form of leveling and smoothing the slab. Now the slab has to cure, which can take a couple of days. The form is then removed and the frame can start being built. With the frame comes openings for doors and window, rooms and please don't forget the closets. Do you know that there are requirements as the size of closets? All measurements must be exact; there is no room for error. A lady and her husband I know decided to build their house themselves, it is beautiful. There is also no stairs to the second floor and no room to add any.

We must be careful. Have you ever lived in a place with not enough outlets in a room? Another lady I know has this beg bedroom with a huge closet. All her outlets are on one wall. She can only arrange her room one way so she can plug in a bedside lamp and clock.

Just as we must follow instructions and leave the hard work to the professionals so we must do without house, our body. If we are going to let God live in us, because we are His temple, then we should let Him build the house. We also need to be careful what we put in our house, does everything in our house meet God's approval. If we built without the Master Planner, we built in vane.

God's blessing's to each of you,



Thursday, July 2006

We have all heard the expression and seen the wrist bands and key chains. What would Jesus do sounds like a simple, innocent enough thing. Well, it depends on who you ask. I actually had a young lady tell me Jesus would give out condoms to teenagers.

We are not to add to nor delete from the Word of God. What it says is what you get. People are so busy looking to make what they do right that they change the meaning to fit their actions. Years ago God convicted me about my jewelry, and I took it off. My sin was I would flaunt my jewelry. I wore a big diamond on my finger and long dangling earrings. Was the jewelry wrong? No, it was my showing off the jewelry that was wrong. I would not leave the house without all of it. Now the jewelry is not important to me and if I put it on fine if not fine. It is not who I am.

I have never read in the Bible that I am to wear no jewelry. But I know a lot of people who taken scripture and twisted it to say they should not. Just like a woman's hair is her covering. It does not say do not cut your hair. I have seen women with hair to their ankles. One lady I know had to get three ladies to help her do her hair, it actually laid on the floor. What purpose is served?

The Bible tells us plainly we are to love the sinner and not the sin. God created man to be with woman. After marriage of course. He destroyed complete towns because of this, enough said it is wrong. I have a few friends that have choose to
live this life style, do I hate them, no. Do I judge them? No.

They know where I stand and that this behavior is not accepted in my home. One young man told me what he loved about me is I treated him no differently than I did others. It opened the door for me to talk to him about Jesus. That door will always be open for him and others. I know a couple of young ladies who have had an abortion, and my heart goes out to them. They acts were wrong. They took a human life. The awful part is they do not know yet that God will forgive them.

All around us people are taking the Word of God and changing it into the word of man. What would Jesus do, exactly what He did do, complete the Word of God from the Old Testment.

God does not change. His Son, Jesus, came to do the will of the Father, and He is not going to change. We do. But that is our own choosing. He is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

So, when you hear that expression, be honest with yourself. WHAT WOULD JESUS REALLY DO?

Let us remind you that it simply boils down to several things. It is not the outward appearance. Yes, we are to dress appropriately, speak the right words, conduct ourselves in a Godly manner. IT IS OUT OF THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART THE MOUTH SPEAKTH. Ladies, let us remember that as we age long hair only makes us look older. No, we don't want that.

Look at the churches all around us. Are they run down, ugly buildings? Oh no, they are beautiful. They are constantly being painted, sometimes when they don't even need to be. We have to have the most expensive carpet, the most beautiful pews, pulpits, lighting and the choir has to have outstanding robes. The flowers have to be special ordered each week. How many of us go to churches where if we brought in a bunch of home grown flowers wouldn't be laughed out of the place? That building that we attend is not the Temple, we are the Temple of God. We were raised in an era where we had our "Sunday go to meeting clothes" and our "everyday clothes." Why? Don't we know that God sees us and loves us no matter what clothes we have on?

Why should we only love our Christian brothers and sisters? Don't we already know the love and grace of God? How many times have we rejected someone cause of the way they are dressed or the fact that they smoke and do all the things we believe that are worldly?

Because of our actions, once again we have possibly killed that person's desire to come to know and love the Lord as we do.

God's blessings to each of you,



Prepared July 29, 2006

We can never be prepared for the death of a loved, cherished person. Part of us is torn away, out of our hearts, out of our lives. Pain that is beyond expression pours through our body, pulsing in extreme rhythm. Nothing is supposed to hurt this bad, we feel there will never be released. We don't want to hear your empty words, which give no peace. We want to cry, to feel the pain, in spite of its hurt. Let our emotions control us for this moment. Let us mourn.
Let us heal in our own time and in our own way. We know there is no more pain or suffering for the one we lost. They are at peace, we hope already at home with the Lord. We loved them as father/mother, brother/sister, uncle/aunt, husband/wife or friend. And we believe they loved us in, a love that we feel strongly even now, one of the reasons for this emptiness we feel now.
Then we have the unfinished parts of our life that these people touched. Questions that will never be answered, speaking loudly in our heads. If we could just have a moment of their time again would they leave us so lost to the truths that we thought we needed that could only come from them. Is there ever to be completion for the acts that they did in our life's? Things they said or did not say, never to be explained or excused.
Unfortunately NO, and that will take time to heal in us, beside the passing of this one. So let us mourn, not only for the lost of them but for the lost of what we shall never know.
This is a peace in all of this and at the right time, when we have mourned as we need, we will turn to the Father and say with longing, "help me." He, this Lord Jesus of ours, will comfort us and ease our aching hearts and minds. And only through Him can we come to a place where what was done, or said will no longer hold us in its ugly gripe, and freedom will be ours. We will forgive what we don't understand, we will let go of what will never be answered. We will step into the arms of the One who loves us more than any other and peace shall be ours.
So mourn for the lost. The Bible tells is in Matthew 5:4, "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted."

God's blessing to each of you,