Source: by ChristArt.com
VINE ~ One of the most important products of Palestine. The first mention of it is in the history of Noah (Genesis 9:20). It is afterwards frequently noticed both in the Old and New Testaments, and in the ruins of terraced vineyards there are evidences that it was extensively cultivated by the Jews. It was cultivated in Palestine before the Israelites took possession of it. The men sent out by Moses brought with them from the Valley of Eshcol a cluster of grapes so large that "they bare it between two upon a staff" (Numbers 13: 23). The vineyards of En-gedi (Cant. 1:14), Heshbon, Sibmah, Jazer, Elealeh (Isaiah 16:8-10; Jeremiah 48:32, 34), and Helbon (Ezek. 27:18), as well as of Eshcol, were celebrated.
The Church is compared to a vine (Psalm 80:8), and Christ says of himself, "I am the vine" (John 15:1). In one of his parables also (Matthew 21:33) our Lord compares his Church to a vineyard which "a certain householder planted, and hedged round about," etc.
Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary
There are seeds inside of us that can be planted and they in turn can grow. Our seeds are God given from the vine, they are talents and gifts. By using these seeds to glorify God, we are in turn planting our own seed.
Which is greater to plant seed God has blessed you with materially such as money or to plant the seeds that He gave inwardly inside you.
It would appear to me that to nurture and plant the seeds within yourself would be the greater gift because we have birthed them for them to grow.
A little research on the development of a grape vine shows us exactly how humans are when it comes to growing our seeds.
Each variety varies in how vigorous the growth is. Low vigor vines must be planted closer than high vigor vines that need more space. Sometimes vines become tangled into a mess. Vines need maximum exposure to the sun to be able to ripen the grapes. If allowed to grow without control, the vines begin to shade the vine and this allows for disease and insects to set in. Vines must be pruned properly for maximum fruitfulness and health. Pruning means removing 75 to 90% of the previous years growth. This might seem drastic but it maintains the health and vigor of the vine; It also means the maximum production of fruit and the best ripening conditions. Some varieties need to be long pruned and some require short pruning.
Harvesting too early is the major problem that is seen in backyard gardeners. People think that as soon as the grape begins to color it is ripe. This can be far from the truth. Coloring actually occurs weeks before the grape is actually ripe. If picked to early the grapes will not have reached the taste that they can acquire. Grapes need to attain a good sugar content and acid balance otherwise the taste will be a disappointment.
By not allowing the grapes to ripen correctly the vines can become overgrown, tangled and never ripen properly. This can often lead to the death of the vine or disappointment at the least.
Every seed that is planted in people grows differently. If the seed is not properly taken care of it can and will become a tangled mess. This will lead to disappointments or even death of the seed.
Just because you know you have a seed does not mean go plant it. Many great people have talked about the visions and dreams that God gave them, yet it was years before they saw a harvest or even the beginning of growth of that seed. That does not mean that the seed should be sitting on a shelve. No when the Lord starts a work in you He knows the perfect timing for it. He knows when you are ready. We though can fail because we want to step out and run with the seed. No we are to nurture that seed within us, prepare for the day that it will come to life. We can carry a seed for years, but be pruning ourselves and things around us so that when the timing is right, that seed can go into the ground and grow as it is intended to grow.
Timing is very important with seeds. to early and the frost will weaken or kill it, to late and it will not have time to get good roots. The sun can burn a plant that is placed incorrectly, as the rain can soak it or the wind can blow it down. A seed planted in the right time with the right tools will be able to stand and produce fruit.
Jeremiah 2:21 God planted us a noble vine, Jesus a seed of the highest quality. When we turn from God we become as a degenerate plant on an alien vine. Jesus was the highest quality seed ever created. We are to look up and be noble.
John 15:1 Jesus is the vine, God is the vine dresser. We, created in the likeness of Christ, are also vines. For our seeds to grow they must be properly tended to.
God Bless,